I recently attend the movie Just Eat It, which was part of a Waste Reduction Week. I really enjoyed the story that Grant and  Jen shared in this documentary about food waste. Some of the statistics were shocking about how much food is wasted in the average household even just due to shopping while hungry, or without a menu plan and having food go bad in the fridge as it is not used in time. This point actually spoke to me personally as I do a good job of recycling, composting, reusing what I can, etc. but I do not do a great job of menu planning to coordinate our meals around food that needs to be used and sometimes food goes bad and I hate wasting food. I sadly just found some almond flour stuck in the back of the fridge behind something else and it had expired two years ago. I was mortified, especially since almond meal is expensive but also because processing almonds requires so much water so they can be considered to be a wasteful food in some ways. I did research to find out if I could still use it even 2 years after the best before date but realized that it really should be composted and I need to let it go! I need to be intentional with my menu planning and bake foods from scratch more often too. We all have things we can work on in our waste reduction journey.