Email to Cathy Liu

To: Cathy Liu

Subject: Invitation to join writing teams ENGL 301 98A

Dear Cathy,

I am writing to you today to invite you to join forces in becoming a valuable team member for ENGL 301 98A. I believe that you would be an asset to becoming team members as you are majoring in English. I would like to make note that I am currently in my 4th year of my B.A. with a major in Psychology. Together, we provide some common ground within our psychological studies. I value the fact that your strengths include providing strong convincing arguments and concise writing skills. I can provide skills that will compliment your skills as well as provide alternative skills not otherwise noted within your application letter. Please review my application letter in consideration of joining forces for ENGL 301 98A. I hope you find my email and my application letter engaging enough to become team members for ENGL 301 98A. I look forward to hearing back from you and working with you through the term.


Sydney Storie

301 Sydney Storie Application Letter