852 // 604

#1: From Hong Kong to (Los Angeles for a week, and then) Vancouver

So I officially finished high school when my last IB exam ended on May the 22nd, 2012.

Since then, this is pretty much what’s happened:

  • I attended my high school graduation and prom
  • I went to Koh Samui, Thailand on my grad trip for 10 days with my friends
  • I wasted many days in Hong Kong doing nothing at home but eating, sleeping and spending time on the internet
  • I finally got a summer job (babysitting 5 kids at once)
  • I saw friends, watched movies, went ice skating and wake boarding
  • I saw more friends and attended dinners
  • I cried saying goodbye to friends
  • I cried saying goodbye to Hong Kong
  • I cried saying goodbye to a bunch of things
  • I got on a plane to Los Angeles, California and spent 5 days there with my Mum and her side of the family
  • I got on a plane to Vancouver, BC on the 24th of August, 2012…

… and that’s where I’ve been ever since!

As has been the case for the last few years, time has flown by and school starts again in a few days. I’m almost ready to move into my room at Tec de Monterrey, Place Vanier with only a few little things left to sort out/buy. Despite that, and the fact that I’ve had 3 months to think this over and let it sink in, I still can’t believe that I’m not going back to Hong Kong any time soon and that I’m starting my first year at UBC in 4 days.  It’s all very weird. And exciting.

That’s all I can think to tell you now.

Until next time!

Tanya ♡



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