852 // 604


I want to curl up in a ball and avoid all the stuff that needs doing in my life right now.

Unfortunately, I can’t do that, so I’m going to attempt to make anyone else in the same situation feel better by giving some tips on how to/how I deal with stress:

1. Exercise! Get all that worry, frustration and stress out by going for a run or to the gym or doing some sports. It’s a great way to distract you for a little bit, as well as relax you.

2. Light some candles, chill out in your room listening to mellow music. (be careful with candles though.. fire safety, people!)

3. Do your work! This seems like an obvious one, but a lot of the time, I find myself freaking out about my work instead of actually doing it. The longer I do that for, the more stressed I get, so.. use me as an example of what not to do.

4. Rant! Whether to a friend, family member, on the internet, in your journal – wherever! Rant! Sort of just like exercise, except a lot less tiring.

5. Sleep. Sometimes I get so stressed about things that I get to the point where I can’t do anything else. Most of the time, this happens at night, so I end up just going to sleep. When I wake up, though, I find myself able to concentrate a whole lot better. It’s as if I go through the day and so many things are being put into my head that my mind feels full and unable to take in any new information. When I sleep, all those things get erased, leaving me fresh and ready for whatever work I have to do when I wake up.

6 (and my favourite). Take a bath. Baths are the best and always make me feel better. Unfortunately, there are no baths in the res buildings, so if you’re in the same situation as me, I guess you could just go for a long shower…

7. Sit in the sun. The sun makes everything better, I swear. Also, we’re seeing a lot more of it recently, so.. yeah. Sit in the sun. Just trust me.

Hopefully this helps. I’ve sufficiently procrastinated so it’s time for me to get back to the massive pile of work I have to do.


Tanya ♡


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