
So I haven’t posted in a while, and I apologize for that, but to be fair, I’ve been really busy…

I have so many things to blog about but I think those things deserve their own posts, so, this is just going to serve as a quick update.

Today I attended my first Blog Squad training session! I didn’t make it to the Welcome Breakfast, so today was the first time I got to meet some of the other members on the team. It was awesome! Going around and hearing everyone introduce themselves allowed me to see how really diverse we are. Like, really. We could be the front page of the UBC website. Everyone was lovely and I can safely say that I feel very happy about applying to be a blogger.

Attending the training session got me really excited about being a member of the Blog Squad and I really look forward to keeping you guys updated (hopefully more frequently than the last couple of weeks)

I promise new posts about my first week (which was amazing) and other UBC happenings are coming soon.

I’m also sorry for disappearing for a few weeks.

See you soon!

Tanya ♡