On the 2nd of September 2012, (the day after Move In Day) I went on something called FrAUSh.

For all those who don’t know, frosh is generally the term given to the first year students’ first week at university. At UBC, each faculty puts on their own frosh event which serves as an orientation for the students who choose to go. The different faculties have events varying in length and put on different activities.

FrAUSh (Arts frosh [AUS = Arts Undergraduate Society]) was an overnight event and went a little something like this:

Morning: all the fraushees (students participating in frosh) gathered at the Buchanan courtyard and were assigned a frosh group that was typically about 7 – 8 people, excluding the 2 frosh leaders. After getting into groups, we went around with introductions and played a few games, including ninjas, and ‘never have I ever…’ After that, we were given our first clue for the scavenger hunt (boy, do I love scavenger hunts) which took us to Gold’s Gym, where we had to do 10 burpees between us before receiving our next clue. Our next clue took us to the bus loop, then on a bus followed by the sky train to a park down in Burnaby. There, we had to do several tasks such as untangling people and charades before we were rewarded with lunch and the scavenger hunt was over.

Afternoon: after tiring ourselves out from running around on the scavenger hunt, we were allowed to rest over a very chilled out lunch. Burgers and hot dogs were served and people lay around on the grass eating and listening to the music blasting from the speakers, while others lined up for a free airbrush tattoo or the bouncy castle. After a nice lazy afternoon, we made our way to the Renaissance Hotel downtown and had some free time before the night event started.

Evening: dinner was served (which was really yummy) and after finishing that up, we had some more free time to waste before heading out to Au Bar. At Au Bar, people danced and mingled and had an overall good time.

The morning after came fairly quickly, then it was time for breakfast and the award ceremony, at which the winner of the scavenger hunt was announced (not my team, boooo…). After breakfast, we got packed and made our way back to UBC.

… And that was FrAUSh! I give it a 3.75 out of 5. I had a good time and made some good friends, but I think it was a little overpriced ($120 for the earlybird tickets) considering the events that were put on. Talking to other people who went to FrAUSh, I definitely saw a mixture of feelings.

I heard that the other froshes such as Sauder and Engineering were pretty much unanimously good though!

Oh well.. it is what you make it, I guess!

Tanya ♡

p.s: here are some photos from FrAUSh… enjoy!

My awesome frosh group!
The cringey airbrush tattoo that I got…. (it was really funny at the time)