And so, my first week rundown posts come to an end…

The first day of classes fell on a Wednesday, which made things a whole lot easier for me. In the faculty of Arts, you have 3 choices when signing up for courses: the Arts One program, CAP (Coordinated Arts Program), or custom timetable. (more about each here: Because I chose to create my own custom timetable, I had full flexibility when choosing courses and times for classes, meaning that my Wednesdays for the whole of the first term consist of one class: Film Studies 100. I was a bit freaked out considering it was from 12 – 3:30 but I soon learnt that the lecture portion of the class was only 1 hour, with the other 2 and a half hours being filled up with a movie screening (appropriate to the course, mind you).

Anyway! I woke up early, had breakfast, and got ready for my first class. Looking at a map (I’ve learned that maps are very deceiving – they make everything look so much further!) I figured that the Chan Centre, where my film class was, would take 20 minutes to get to. Being the eager beaver I was/also allowing time for getting lost (which was a very big possibility) I left Place Vanier at 11:00…

… and arrived at the Chan Centre at 11:10… 50 minutes early for my class.. But! Success! I found it no problem and wasn’t late. The lecture was interesting and I got down a whole lot of notes. We watched Citizen Kane in the screening which I really didn’t care for but oh well. Left when class ended at 3:30 and found my way back to Vanier no problem. It was a pretty easy day for me, and everything went so much better than expected! (insert meme here)

I think I got a little too cocky/overexcited that I wasn’t late or lost because the next day of classes didn’t go very well for me… (I got lost. Very very lost.. after every single class that I went to. Literally. Every. Single. Class. After my last lecture, which was Biology, which ended at 5, I somehow went the wrong way and ended up walking to Walter Gage residence instead of Place Vanier… this is the part where you take out a map, and see how badly I messed up, and laugh at me.)

Anyway, the moral of the story is: don’t be too nervous about your first day of classes. As long as you leave with enough time, and have a map with you, you should be all good. Also, don’t get too cocky just because you could get to your one class on time without getting lost.

Tanya ♡