Category Archives: Storyboards

Dinnertime?, by Michael David Schwan

This storyboard follows a short repeating storyline across five days of a week. Each day of the week depicts a verb from a lexical aspect class, from Monday to Thursday: activity, accomplishment, achievement, state. Friday is the “punchline” day.

A man comes home expecting to see his children eating dinner but instead they are busy doing something else. He asks the babysitter or older sister why the children aren’t eating dinner and says that tomorrow he expects to see them eating dinner. He recounts the day to his wife (who arrives home later than him). The same thing happens over the week until Friday when he finds the children in the backyard picking berries, to which the babysitter/older sister points out that they are indeed eating.

There are opportunities to elicit or teach the target aspect class in the present and past, possibly future. The achievement and state (Wednesday and Thursday) segments can be presented with ungrammatical and grammatical forms to demonstrate how a speaker would deal with these lexical aspects. The storyboard can be shown with empty speech bubbles or speech bubbles with images inside to display what it being said. The empty speech bubbles can be filled with dialogue in the target language for teaching.

Keywords: aspect, progressive, lexical aspect

Click here for storyboard with subtitles

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Filed under Aspect, Storyboards

Me? Smoking?, by Raiane Salles

This storyboard provides a chance to elicit the same verb ‘smoke’ in several different aspects and tenses: (a) the person used to smoke (past habitual); (b) the person smokes (present habitual); (c) the person was smoking (past progressive); (d) the person is smoking (present progressive); (e) the person smoked (perfective); (f) the person has smoke smell on clothes (result state). The goal is to observe what strategies the language you’re working with will use to communicate those meanings. Enjoy!

Click here for storyboard with subtitles

Click here for storyboard without subtitles

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Filed under Storyboards

Dummy Roommate, by Raiane Salles

This storyboard provides a chance to elicit a situation with no internal temporal structure (e.g. leave for work), a situation reported as a single whole, but with internal temporal structure (e.g reading a book the whole afternoon) and a progressive situation (reading a book). Based on Comrie’s (1976) definition of perfective and imperfective aspects, the first situation is imperfective, the second one a combination of perfective and imperfective (or aorist), and the third one imperfective. The goal is to observe what strategies the language you’re working with will use to communicate those meanings. Enjoy!

Click here for storyboard with subtitles

Click here for storyboard without subtitles

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September 23, 2020 · 5:52 pm