Teacher Candidate Check-Ins

Since March, the H.O.P.E. cohort has been meeting weekly on Zoom to check-in with each other – along with our Instructors. This was a chance for all of us to stay connected and provide each other with resources, updates and ideas; especially with this transition towards remote learning. All of us appreciated these Check-Ins; this has inspired us to create this space for all of you!

Furthermore, in October 2019, we both had the opportunity to attend the National Wellness Forum hosted by EverActive Schools at our UBC Vancouver Campus. This was alongside educators and partnered organizations across 5 Canadian provinces, we had conversations surrounding how we can better understand and promote comprehensive school health across all institutional levels. In addition, we had discussions about different ways to engage student voices and connect research from the K-12 setting within our post-secondary setting. This was an enriching 2-Day Forum, and another reason why we believe that a cross-cohort TC Wellness Check-In will be beneficial.

Lastly, we had another great opportunity to invite professionals to our H.O.P.E Cohort “Living Inquiry” during Inquiry I.  UBC Faculty, and in-service teachers from multiple districts attended to provide insight on how we can change the narrative of PHE, as well as, showing their support for upcoming teachers. For our Zoom Check-Ins, we will have the same opportunity to invite professional guests to share their thoughts on Wellness.

(H.O.P.E Cohort Living Inquiry, 2019)