A first look at how teaching practices affect student wellbeing (part 2)


(Photo credit: UBC Public Affairs)

Yesterday we shared qualitative findings from the 2015 Undergraduate Experiences Survey (UES). Aside from the 10 teaching practices that we recognized as being influential in promoting student mental health and wellbeing, we also asked for students’ input on identifying other teaching practices that had positive impacts on their wellbeing. Almost 2000 students mentioned additional teaching practices that contributed to their wellbeing. Their comments were grouped into the three main categories described below.

1) Engagement in the learning process promotes student wellbeing 

  • Provide engaging and interactive classroom experience that includes things such as in-class activities and discussions.
  • Include opportunities for students to practice the course content outside of classroom. For example, the opportunity to attend a course-related event.  
  • Hands-on, applied and practical learning helps with knowledge retention  
  • Subject matters that are relevant and relatable promote student interest and learning.

2) Wellbeing is supported when students understand how to succeed in a class and feel supported to do so

  • Students feel that their wellbeing is supported when they know how to succeed in a course  
  • Well-structured classes and when instructors provide clear examples and explanations for course topics.
  • More frequent, smaller assessments help them stay on top of the material and provide multiple opportunities for feedback
  • Timely and constructive feedback support student wellbeing by supporting learning and by demonstrating that the instructor cares about their learning and success.  
  • Flexibility in the grading scheme (i.e. dropping the lowest mark, offering a mark-up assignment) support student wellbeing by enabling students to recover from a poor assessment.

3) Establishing a relationship with the instructor promotes wellbeing

  • Students indicated that having a personal connection with their instructor supports their wellbeing, instructors can foster this by learning student names and by having short informal conversations with their students.  
  • Being friendly and approachable. This also makes the student more likely to approach the instructor for help when necessary.  
  • Fostering a positive classroom climate where students feel safe and welcome
  • Demonstrate care for a students’ holistic wellbeing  

The take home message here is that students feel that their wellbeing is supported when the instructors actively engage them in classes, provide clear learning objectives, and when instructors make an effort to establish relationships with their students. Have you engaged in any of the above practices during your teaching career? What are some barriers to applying the above instructional practices? Please feel free to comment below. We would love to hear your thoughts and/or ideas!

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