Dear My First Class,

Teacher's Desk - Linn School
It’s the eve of the night I meet you, and boy am I excited. I say that a lot, I think, that I’m excited, but this excitement is an entirely different thing. You see, you’re what I’ve been waiting for my entire life. Really. No foolin’. I’ve been waiting to meet you since I was a little girl, and you didn’t even exist yet. Isn’t that neat? I feel pretty neat, being allowed into your classroom for a whole year so I can get to know you and play with you and see what you’re good at. You’re probably good at lots of different things, maybe more things than me! My excitement is bubbling over. Are you excited, too?

Rumour has it you’re a great bunch. I bet you’re smart and funny and curious and cool. I bet you all wear your hair different from anybody else in the class, and I bet you all look great doing it. I secretly hope you’ll paint me a picture of a taco. I promise to frame it. I hope you want to learn loads of stuff and ask lots of questions and search for some answers. I have lots of questions.

Will you show me around your classroom and tell me your favourite part?

Do you like space and dinosaurs? And volcanoes?

Isn’t this cat skirt the best skirt ever?

What is your favourite book?

What do you want to know about me?

Will I do a good job?

I know the answer to one of those questions already. Two, if you count the one about the cat skirt. I WILL do a good job, because it’s the job I was born to do, and because you guys deserve it.

See you in the morning,

Ms. Bayne, your teacher.