Tetra and Our Project

Organization Description:

 The Tetra Society founded in 1987 in Vancouver, British Columbia by Sam Sullivan. Sam was a quadriplegic, and so he could not easily do many daily tasks, such as showering on his own. Later, he worked with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC. By installing sample devices in his apartment, there is a great improvement in accessibility. The collaboration did not stop; they continued to work together to help other people with disability.


Retrieved from:http://www.tetrasociety.org/support/volunteer.php

Currently, the Tetra Society has 45 chapters and 300 plus professional volunteers throughout North America, and their services are customary for each client. Their clients range from infants to seniors, and they can have any level of disability. Tetra’s goal is to provide the best custom service to individual clients, and to reduce their societal and environmental barriers. Tetra’s assistive devices help their clients increase the access within the households (Kitchens, bedroom and bathroom) and other environments (vehicles, public places), to improve the quality of their life.

Project Scope:

Retrieved from:http://globalhealthimmersionprograms.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Volunteers-Bound-for-Haiti.jpg

The scope of this project is mainly to design and implement a post disaster emergency kit for a client with cerebral palsy,   it is also important to make sure our client understand the kit in order to make effective use of its contents.  The goal for this project is to exercise our capacity to help others with our engineering knowledge, and to ultimately increase the survivability of our client Eric in the case of an unforeseen disaster.


Project Constraints:

 Because of the unique physical situation of our client, his limited range of motion creates some constraints for the design of our emergency kit.

 **Some non-negotiable constraints include:

– The kit must be within reaching distance at all times

– The client must be able to open the kit easily

**Some negotiable constraints include:

– Contents within the kit

– The location of the kit

Strategies To Reach Our Goal:

In order for us to successfully complete this project, it is important to maintain a constant line of communications with our mentor and our client. This way we ensure that everybody is on the same page with regards to the progress of this project. Also, we would put emphasis on researching about the composition of our emergency kit, including its content and location, to maximize its value to our client. We would also test and modify our designs of the kit on a regular basis to improve its functionality to the best of our abilities.