Project Timeline

Over the last three weeks, our team has made a lot of progress. We have drafted a purposed budget and finalized a list of the necessary items we need.

The table below shows the list of tasks completed and ready to be completed:

Site Meeting Description:

As seen in the table, our team visited at Eric’s house to decide where to put the kit. Eric suggested having the kit either hanging near the door or placing it beside his computer desk. However, after inspection we found that the kit we have will not fit into the space beside the desk; so we decided to make one small kit and one large kit. The large kit will be placed beside the door and the smaller kit beside Eric’s desk. Furthermore, we have to think of a way to secure the bag without having it on the ground by the time we have our next meeting with Eric on March 10.


Purchasing the contents for the emergency kit were divided among our team:

  • Neda
    • First aid kits
    • Robax (high strength back pain)
  • Jay
    • Flashlight
    • Batteries
    • Candlesticks and Lighter
    • Whistle
    • Smaller kit
  • Enrico
    • Dust mask
    • Foil blanket
    • Water
  • Peter and Dilveer
    • Food

Indicators of success:

Retrieved From:

The most important achievement that was accomplished in the last 2 weeks was purchasing the items while being on budget and assembling the kit so that everything fit properly. What we would like to accomplish in the final weeks is finding the best way to secure the bag so that it’s easy to reach and requires very little modification to Eric’s surroundings.