Jan 8th, 2009 by Miranda
Ok. So I am going to make this short, sweet and simple.
School is harder than I thought it was going to be.
I am in the Honours program, which means that I kind of have no life. And this is the only excuse that I have for not blogging ALL the time. I have wise words to give and I want to give them (whether you want to read them or not is another story) so I am playing a new part this term. This term I am playing the part of the 100% student. Last term I worked, volunteered and went through a lil something that I am sure I will eventually blog about BUT the point is, it was hectic.
Lesson learned.
Don’t take on too much. Its sooo easy to do and soo hard to get out of. Im so proud of the many boy and girls that are still stickin’ with it. Keep up the great work!
Thats it. Thats all I had to confess. New devotion is nice though, isn’t it?
I’m so glad you’re back!! =D
And I’ve renewed focus onto academics this term too. Hopefully it sticks…