The Other Side of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a developing country located in South Asia. With a population of over 160 million people, it is one of the most densely populated nations in the world.

For many, some of the first words  when hearing ‘Bangladesh’ are- ‘where is that?’, ‘is that a city?’, ‘poverty’. For me, there’s only one that comes to mind – HOME.

My country is home to the pioneer of Microfinance (an economic model that is uplifting millions out of poverty), Dr. Muhammad Yunus;Bangladesh is the Royal Bengal Tiger’s home, it also has the longest sea beach in the world. These are only few of the amazing things about Bangladesh.

The following photos show one side of Bangladesh, the side that associates the country with poverty, inequality:

Source: The New York Times ( The picture shows few people in a cold, winter morning transporting crops.
Source: The picture shows women working in the tea gardens of Bangladesh

The following pictures show the other side, a lesser known side of Bangladesh:

A country where every religion is respected (Khagrachori) (1)
A country where every religion is respected- Tausif Ejaz, UBCO Graduate School of Engineering , picture taken in Khagrachori, Bangladesh
Ahsan Manjil Through The Pinnacle (Old Dhaka)
Ahsan Manjil, seat of the Nawab Family of Dhaka- Tausif Ejaz, UBCO Graduate School of Engineering, picture taken in Old Dhaka, Bangladesh


2 thoughts on “The Other Side of Bangladesh”

  1. Bangladesh is one of the most popular, beautiful & natural country’s in the South Asia region. Though it is still developing, it has much productive sector andthe cultural activities are unique and rich.

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