
The following titles have just arrived at Asian Library. For more new titles by subject, go to the Japanese Studies Resources page under “New Japanese Materials”.
Gunsho ruiju (群書類従)
Zainichi bungaku zenshu (<在日>文学全集)
Shingonshu zensho (真言宗全書)
Shiranui monogatari (白縫譚)
Senso no nihon shi (戦争の日本史)
Hajimete no bungaku (はじめての文学)
Edo jidaikan (江戸時代館)
Meiji jidaikan (明治時代館)
Nenpyo Nihon mangashi (年表日本漫画史)
Nihon joseishi daijiten (日本女性史大辞典)
Yomeru nenpyo Nihon shi (読める年表日本史)

Did you know that Factiva database provides access to over 150 Japanese-language sources? Most of these are full-text and include newspapers such as Mainichi Shinbun and Yomiuri Shinbun, as well as various business resources. You can search for articles using Japanese script.
Go to the Factiva information page to connect to the database or contact me if you would like assistance using this resource.
Update – The trial period has been extended to February 29 2008
We will be having trials of Yomiuri and Asahi Shinbun databases from January 14 to February 13 2008. You must be on a campus computer or be using your VPN from home in order to access the databases. I would very much appreciate your feedback on both databases to see whether or not it is worthwhile to subscribe to one or both of them.
See below for information on both trials (click on titles to link to databases):
Yomiuri Shibun’s Yomidasu Bunshokan (ヨミダス文書館)
Contains Yomiuri Shinbun articles since 1986 and a biographical database. Click here and go to 収録記事について for the full description (in Japanese).
Asahi Shinbun’s Kikuzo (聞蔵) II Visual for Libraries
Contains over 5 million Asahi Shinbun articles since 1984, plus an image library and articles from Asahi publications such as Aera. Check out the full description of the database here (in Japanese).
Check out January’s library skills workshops for Japanese Studies students, teachers and scholars.
Introduction to Japanese Language Learning Resources
January 21 (Mon)
10:30 – 11:30am
Learn about the print and electronic resources available to UBC students learning Japanese. A tour of the library is included! Particularly suitable for 3rd and 4th-year undergraduate students.
Finding Japanese Newspaper and Journal Articles
January 23 (Wed)
10:30 – 11:30am
Discover print and online search tools for finding Japanese-language newspaper and journal articles.
Overview of Japanese Digital Resources
January 25 (Fri)
2:00 – 3:30pm
Check out Japan’s digital library collections, including online resources from the National Diet Library.
Please contact me if you cannot make it to the sessions, but would like to learn more about any of these topics.
I have received the application form and texts for the 7th Shizuoka International Translation Competition (しずおか世界翻訳コンクール). You can contact me if you want to take a look, or you can request your own copy by contacting their office directly. The entry deadline is December 10, 2008.
For more, see the official site.
Check out the following asahi.com articles on Japanese publishing in 2007.
2年続けて「品格」ブーム 2007年のベストセラー
Publishing Trends:
古典・ケータイ小説が席巻 2007年の出版界