As of April 1, we will have full access to the online version of the kanji dictionary Jitsu (字通).
To use the dictionary, click on the link in the Jitsu information page, then click on ログイン.You can also access this resource from within JapanKnowledge by clicking on the 字通 icon at the top of the page.
Also, our subscription to JapanKnowledge will now allow for two concurrent users (previously a maximum of one user could access the database at any point in time).
Humanities and Social Sciences Librarian Allan Cho and I will be presenting a workshop on finding journal articles through Japanese and English-language sources. See below for more details.
Scholarly Searching for Japanese Studies
March 28 (Fri)
2 – 2:25pm – English-language print and electronic journals
2:25 – 3pm – Japanese-language print and electronic journals
Koerner Library, Room 217
Want to learn more about how to access databases, electronic journals, print journals, and newspaper sources for Japanese Studies? Come to this session, and explore the variety of materials in both Japanese and English language sources.
Note: Although registration is for the full hour, participants are welcome to attend only the parts that are of interest to them.
We are conducting a trial of the Nihon rekishi chimei taikei (日本歴史地名大系)database (an added component to the JapanKnowledge subscription database). This Japanese place name database includes over 200 000 entries and allows for both title keyword and full-text searching.
To access the database:
– go to the information page: link
– click on the link provided
– once in the database page, click on ログイン
Trial end date:
April 30 2008
After trying out the database, please complete the short feedback form on the information page. Your comments will help me determine whether or not to purchase this resource.