Archive for September, 2008

Sep 29 2008

New Titles – September

Published by under New Titles

Check out the following newly-received material at Asian Library.

Fine & Performing Arts
Edo kaiga nyumon (江戸絵画入門)

Edo monʾyo zufu (江戸文様図譜)

Kojin korekushon bijutsukan hakubutsukan jiten (個人コレクション美術館博物館事典)

Jidai kimono (時代きもの)

Nihon geino jiten (日本芸能事典)

Bijutsu hihyo to sengo bijutsu (美術批評と戦後美術)

Urabe nikki, Tomita memo de yomu ningen Showa Tenno (卜部日記・富田メモで読む人間・昭和天皇)

Edo no kosodate tokuhon (江戸の子育て」読本)

Todofukenbetsu seishi kamon daijiten (都道府県別姓氏家紋大事典)

Heiankyo toshi shakaishi no kenkyu (平安京都市社会史の研究)

Ritsuryo kokkashi no kenkyu (律令国家史の研究)

Language & Literature
Koisuru monogatari no homosekushuariti (恋する物語のホモセクシュアリティ)

Kotoba to jenda no miraizu (ことばとジェンダーの未来図)

Shinbun shosetsu no jidai (新聞小説の時代)

Fukugo joshi ga kore de wakaru (複合助詞がこれでわかる)

Heian kizoku no yume bunseki (平安貴族の夢分析)

Yomihon jiten: Edo no denki shosetsu (読本事典 : 江戸の伝奇小説)

Kannon jodo ni funadashita hitobito (観音浄土に船出した人びと)

Sanboe o yomu (三宝絵を読む)

Nihon chusei no Bukkyo to Higashi Ajia (日本中世の仏教と東アジア)

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Sep 04 2008

InterLibrary Loans for Japanese Material

Published by under Library Skills Training

In an effort to improve access to resources held in Japanese libraries, UBC has recently become a participating library of the Global ILL Framework (GIF) project. Currently, 134 Japanese libraries provide document delivery services and 74 Japanese libraries lend out books through GIF. For more information on the project, check out the brochure.

All InterLibrary Loans (ILLs) are processed through our InterLibrary Loan office. To order an ILL, go to the UBC ILL site and complete the order form. Please contact me if you are ordering Japanese materials for the first time, or if you are ordering a title that does not come up through a WorldCat search. For items with a WorldCat record, always try and include the OCLC accession number found in the record (see below).


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