Archive for December, 2009

Dec 20 2009

New Japanese Titles

Published by under New Titles

Here are some of the titles that we recently acquired at Asian Library:

Literature for Language Learners
Irasuto koten zen’yaku (イラスト古典全訳枕草子)
Kimi ga mitsukeru monogatari: Jūdai no tame no shinmeisaku
(きみが見つける物語 : 十代のための新名作)
10-pun de yomeru meisaku – grades 1 to 6 (10分で読める名作)
Rōdoku “bungaku no shizuku” (朗読「文学のしずく」)

Ghost and Mystery Stories
Edo kaii kisō bungei taikei (江戸怪異綺想文芸大系)
Purofuiru: tantei to ryōki (ぷろふいる : 探偵と猟奇)

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