Archive for January, 2010

Jan 30 2010

Tale of Genji in JapanKnowledge

Published by under E-Resources

Shinpen Nihon koten bungaku zenshu pictureJapanKnowledge has begun uploading the full-text, searchable e-version of Shinpen Nihon koten bungaku zenshu 新編日本古典文学全集 to its database, starting with the full set of Genji monogatari 源氏物語 produced by the series. Users can now search for words within the original text, the gendaigo yaku 現代語訳, the annotations, or all three at once. Other works in the SNKBZ series will be uploaded in the near future. How can you access this resource? See below for details.

  1. Log into your myVPN (if accessing from home)
  2. Go to the JapanKnowledge website (, and click on the ログイン/Login button
  3. On the main screen, scroll down and find 新編日本古典文学全集 at the bottom right, and select 個別
  4. Enter the search term and choose what part of the text you would like to search
  5. Choose from the results (the search term is highlighted in pink), and you will be taken to a digital reproduction of the page in which the term appears.

Remember to log out when you are finished your search, so that others may access this resource.

Click here for the newly-released guide from JapanKnowledge.

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Jan 04 2010

New Japanese Periodicals Index

Published by under E-Resources

UBC has started a new subscription to Zasshi kiji sakuin sh̄usei, an online periodicals index from Koseisha. This index, which we trialed in the fall, provides citation information for articles from the Meiji period to the present. Although information on recent publications can also be found in sources such as the National Diet Library’s Periodicals’ index and CiNii, this serves as a unique online resource for pre-1948 works.

To access this e-resource:
1) Sign into your myVPN (if accessing from home)
2) Go to the information page
3) Click on “via the web”

Screen Shot - Zasshi Kiji Sakuin Shusei

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