Archive for January, 2011

Jan 21 2011

New SNKBZ Titles Added to JapanKnowledge

Published by under E-Resources

Shinpen Nihon koten bungaku zenshu pictureJapanKnowledge has added several more titles to its full-text Shinpen Nihon koten bungaku zenshū 新編日本古典文学全集 series.

The newly added content includes:
Yamato monogatari 大和物語
Sagoromo monogatari 狭衣物語
Heichū monogatari 平中物語
Taketori monogatari 竹取物語
Tosa nikki 土佐日記
Ise monogatari 伊勢物語
Kagerō nikki 蜻蛉日記
Makura no sōshi 枕草子
Shōbō genzō zuimonki 正法眼蔵随聞記
Tannishō 歎異抄
Hōjōki 方丈記
Tsurezuregusa 徒然草

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