A UBC alum currently residing in Tokyo has passed along the following links to recent sites and articles which are critical of the coverage of the nuclear situation in Japan by the non-Japanese press.
a wiki created by “various people … who are sick of the sensationalist, overly speculative, and just plain bad reporting that has gone on since the Tohoku quake in Japan last Friday (March 11)”
“Wall of Shame: Media Slammed for Japan Crisis Coverage”
from The New Zealand Herald
“Foreign media take flak for fanning fears”
from The Japan Times
Look in the Earthquake & Tsunami Resources Page for more about the issues related to the disaster.
The first support meeting of UBC’s Japanese Emergency Support Team (JEST) will be held on March 23. Please see below for details. Future meetings will be posted under “Discussions” in the Earthquake & Tsunami Resources page.
An informal and supportive meeting will be held in Japanese and facilitated by Japanese-speaking professional counsellors and counsellors-in-training at UBC who are volunteering their time and expertise. There will be a short information session followed by a group discussion.
Wed., March 23, 2011 (5pm – 7pm)
Room 310 in Scarfe Building (3rd floor, Education Building, 2125 Main Mall)
Cost: Free
Open to all (max. 24 participants)
Contact: (English or Japanese)
Leader-in-Charge: Dr. Ishu Ishiyama, associate professor of counselling psychology, Faculty of Education, UBC
After the Quake: Japan Researchers Discuss Japan’s Current Catastrophe and Considerations for Canada
Bruce White, Anthropologist from Doshisha University in Japan joins UBC and Vancouver based panel of Millie Creighton, Kozue Matsumoto, Dada Docot, Larissa Dziubenko, and Greg Masuda to discuss Japan’s earthquake, tsunami and radiation disaster and researching on a fault line.
Date & Time: Tuesday, March 22nd, 11:30 – 1:00 pm
Venue: Anso 134
see poster for details
Check out some of the current fiction recently added to the collection. Reviews included.
永遠の0 Eien no 0 | review (朝日新聞)
by 百田尚樹 Hyakuta Naoki
乙女の密告 Otome no mikkoku | review (読売新聞)
by 赤染晶子 Akazome Akiko
小暮写真館 Kogure Shashinkan | review (朝日新聞)
by 宮部みゆき
再会 Saikai | review (朝日新聞)
by 横関大 Yokozeki Dai
死ねばいいのに Shineba ii no ni review (朝日新聞)
by 京極夏彦 Kyōgoku Natsuhiko
ゼロ、ハチ、ゼロ、ナナ Zero, hachi, zero, nana | review (読書間奏文 blog)
by 辻村深月 Tsujimura Mizuki
小さいおうち Chiisai ouchi | review (読売新聞)
by 中島京子 Nakajima Kyōko
ヘヴン Hevun | review (朝日新聞)
by 川上未映子 Kawakami Mieko
ボーダー&レス Bōdā & resu | review (新人賞をとって作家になる!blog)
by 藤代泉 Fujishiro Izumi
抱擁、あるいはライスには塩を Hōyō, aruiwa raisu ni wa shio o | review (bookjapan)
猫を抱いて象と泳ぐ Neko o daite zō to oyogu | review (朝日新聞)
by 小川洋子 Ogawa Yōko
ねむり Nemuri review
by 村上春樹 Murakami Haruki
歌うクジラ Utau kujira | review (朝日新聞)
by 村上龍 Murakami Ryū
マリアビートル Mariabītoru (Mariabeetle) | review (朝日新聞)
by 伊坂幸太郎 Isaka Kōtarō
もしもし下北沢 Moshimoshi Shimokitazawa | review (毎日新聞)
by よしもとばなな Yoshimoto Banana
See the Earthquake & Tsunami Resources Page for an updated list of resources.
Here are some links to news media reports on the devastating earthquake in Japan.
Japanese-language Media
TBS TV live news stream TBSテレビの公式チャンネル
FNN (Fuji TV) live news stream
NHK News live | video footage | aftershock warnings | local news | main
Asahi Online special report
Yomiuri Online bulletin board 震災掲示板 | main page
English-language Media
Yokoso News live feed
Asahi Shimbun (English) main page
NHK World (English) main page
If you are looking for information on someone in the area, try Google’s Person Finder 消息情報.