Archive for November, 2011

Nov 28 2011

青空文庫 Aozora Bunko e-books now included in Internet Archive

Published by under E-Resources

Aozora Bunko, which has long provided readers with full-text Japanese literature in the public domain (where the copyright has expired), is now offering its titles through Internet Archive. The material is now available in PDF, as well as mobile device-friendly downloadable formats including EPUB and Kindle. In addition, users have the option of reading the works online.

Although searching by author is possible in both Japanese and English scripts, at this point it appears that titles can only be found using original Japanese script searches. Here is an example of one of the Aozora titles available through Internet Archive: Futari no tomo 二人の友 by Mori Ōgai 森鴎外. See the left-hand column for viewing and download options.

For more information, see the press releases from Voyager Japan, the company that transferred the content, in Japanese and in English.

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