Apr 22 2008

New Titles – April

Published by under New Titles

Check out the following newly-arrived publications. For more new titles by subject, go to the Japanese Studies Resources page under “New Japanese Materials”.

Art & Fashion
Choju jinbutsu giga (鳥獣人物戯画)

Fukushoku Bunka Kenkyukai kimono zuroku (服飾文化研究会きもの図録)

Current Fiction
Kyua by Taguchi, Randi (キュア / 田口ランディ) – Details

Chichi to ran by Kawakami, Mieko (乳と卵 / 川上未映子) – Details

Chugen no niji by Asada, Jiro (中原の虹 / 浅田次郎) – Details-1 | Details-2

Watashi no otoko by Sakuraba, Kazuki (私の男 / 桜庭一樹) – Details

Edo keiji jinmei jiten (江戸刑事人名事典)

Edo jidai zen daimyoke jiten (江戸時代全大名家事典)

Nihon kodaishi chimei jiten (日本古代史地名事典)

Language & Literature
Gendai josei sakka-dokuhon (現代女性作家読本)

Kojien (2008 edition) (広辞苑)

Daishogen (大書源)

Nihon no koten o yomu (日本の古典を読む)

Reberu-betsu Nihongo tadoku raiburari (レベル別日本語多読ライブラリー)

Akira (フルカラーアキラ)

Ero manga sutadizu (エロマンガ・スタディーズ)

Tezuka Osamu zenshu (手塚治虫全集)

Shinpan koji junrei (新版古寺巡礼)

Shukyogaku bunken jiten (宗教学文献事典)

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Apr 18 2008

Asian Library Open House

Published by under Events

Come join us for our annual Asian Library Open House, which will take place on Saturday, April 26.
Check the Open House page for details.

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Mar 30 2008

Jitsu & JapanKnowledge Upgrade

Published by under E-Resources

As of April 1, we will have full access to the online version of the kanji dictionary Jitsu (字通).

To use the dictionary, click on the link in the Jitsu information page, then click on ログイン.You can also access this resource from within JapanKnowledge by clicking on the 字通 icon at the top of the page.

Also, our subscription to JapanKnowledge will now allow for two concurrent users (previously a maximum of one user could access the database at any point in time).

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Mar 17 2008

New Titles – March

Published by under New Titles

Check out the following newly-arrived publications. For more new titles by subject, go to the Japanese Studies Resources page under “New Japanese Materials”.

Nihonjin no jiten (日本人の辞典)

Art & Architecture

Eiri shunga ehon mokuroku (絵入春画艶本目錄)

Oedo zukan : buke hen (大江戸図鑑 : 武家編)

Kyoto no oji koji (京都の大路小路)

Senso to bijutsu 1937-1945 (戦争と美術 1937-1945)

Nihon bijutsu zukai jiten (日本美術図解事典)

Nihon shoga kantei daijiten (日本書畫鑑定大亊典)

Economics & Industry
Ei-Wa Wa-Ei sangyo gijutsu yogo jiten (英和・和英産業技術用語辞典)

Nikkei keizai Eigo Wa-Ei daijiten (日経経済英語和英大辞典)

Edo shiseki jiten (江戸史跡事典)

Edo no egoyomi (江戸の絵暦)

Dai Nihon komonjo iewake : Mori-ke monjo & Shimazu-ke monjo
(大日本古文書家わけ – 毛利家文書、島津家文書)

Chosen shakai jigyo : zasshi (朝鮮社會事業 : 雑誌)

Language & Literature
Kazoekata no jiten (数え方の辞典)

Gendaigo kara kogo o hiku jiten (現代語から古語を引く辞典)

Giongo gitaigo 4500, Nihongo onomatope jiten (擬音語・擬態語 4500, 日本語オノマトペ辞典)

Shincho Nihongo kanji jiten (新潮日本語漢字辞典)

Suteppu appu komonjo no yomitokikata (ステップアップ古文書の読み解き方)

Nihon gogen daijiten (日本語源大辞典)

Nihon nankun nango daijiten (日本難訓難語大辞典)

Nihongo ruigi hyogen tsukaiwake jiten (日本語類義表現使い分け辞典)

Nihongogaku kenkyu jiten (日本語学研究辞典)

Gendai manga hakubutsukan, 1945-2005 (現代漫画博物館, 1945-2005)

Media no naka no manga (メディアのなかのマンガ)

Religion & Ideology

Taikei shinshu shiryo (大系真宗史料)

Bushido Zensho (武士道全書)

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Mar 14 2008

Scholarly Searching Workshop

Published by under Library Skills Training

Humanities and Social Sciences Librarian Allan Cho and I will be presenting a workshop on finding journal articles through Japanese and English-language sources. See below for more details.

Scholarly Searching for Japanese Studies
March 28 (Fri)
2 – 2:25pm – English-language print and electronic journals
2:25 – 3pm – Japanese-language print and electronic journals
Koerner Library, Room 217

Want to learn more about how to access databases, electronic journals, print journals, and newspaper sources for Japanese Studies? Come to this session, and explore the variety of materials in both Japanese and English language sources.

Note: Although registration is for the full hour, participants are welcome to attend only the parts that are of interest to them.

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Mar 12 2008

Nihon Rekishi Chimei Taikei – Database Trial

Published by under E-Resources

We are conducting a trial of the Nihon rekishi chimei taikei (日本歴史地名大系)database (an added component to the JapanKnowledge subscription database). This Japanese place name database includes over 200 000 entries and allows for both title keyword and full-text searching.

To access the database:
– go to the information page: link
– click on the link provided
– once in the database page, click on ログイン

Trial end date:
April 30 2008

After trying out the database, please complete the short feedback form on the information page. Your comments will help me determine whether or not to purchase this resource.

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Feb 21 2008

February New Titles

Published by under New Titles

Check out the following newly-arrived publications. For more new titles by subject, go to the Japanese Studies Resources page under “New Japanese Materials”.

Art & Architecture
Ise monogatari emaki ehon taisei (伊勢物語絵巻絵本大成)

Kinkakuji Heisei no chashitsu (金閣寺平成の茶室)

Shunga to nikuhitsu ukiyoe (春画と肉筆浮世絵)

Wafu jutaku (和風住宅)

Keizai kakusa no kenkyu (経済格差の研究)

Nihon keizai no shinkyokumen (日本経済の新局面)

History & Politics
Oedo karucha bukkusu (大江戸カルチャーブックス)

Gendai Nihon no gyosei to chiho jichi(現代日本の行政と地方自治)

Language & Literature
Hyakunin isshu daijiten (百人一首大事典)

Tabisuru onnatachi (旅する女たち)

Manga & Anime
Sabetsu to mukiau mangatachi (差別と向き合うマンガたち)

Nihon hatsu no animeshon sakka Kitayama Seitaro (日本発のアニメーション作家北山清太郎)

Mangaka tanjo (漫画家誕生)

Women’s Studies
Josei kaiho o meguru senryo seisaku (女性解放をめぐる占領政策)

Nihon kodai josei shiron (日本古代女性史論)

Azumakagami jiten (吾妻鏡事典)

Dare de mo yomeru Nihon kodaishi nenpyo (誰でも読める日本古代史年表)

Dare de mo yomeru Nihon chuseishi nenpyo (誰でも読める日本中世史年表)

Suisan daihyakka jiten (水産大百科事典)

Nihon joseishi daijiten (日本女性史大事典)

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Jan 29 2008

January New Titles

Published by under New Titles

The following titles have just arrived at Asian Library. For more new titles by subject, go to the Japanese Studies Resources page under “New Japanese Materials”.

Gunsho ruiju (群書類従)

Zainichi bungaku zenshu (<在日>文学全集)

Shingonshu zensho (真言宗全書)

Shiranui monogatari (白縫譚)

Senso no nihon shi (戦争の日本史)

Hajimete no bungaku (はじめての文学)

Edo jidaikan (江戸時代館)

Meiji jidaikan (明治時代館)

Nenpyo Nihon mangashi (年表日本漫画史)

Nihon joseishi daijiten (日本女性史大辞典)

Yomeru nenpyo Nihon shi (読める年表日本史)

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Jan 19 2008

Factiva Database

Published by under E-Resources


Did you know that Factiva database provides access to over 150 Japanese-language sources? Most of these are full-text and include newspapers such as Mainichi Shinbun and Yomiuri Shinbun, as well as various business resources. You can search for articles using Japanese script.

Go to the Factiva information page to connect to the database or contact me if you would like assistance using this resource.

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Jan 11 2008

Japanese Newspaper Database Trials

Published by under E-Resources

Update – The trial period has been extended to February 29 2008

We will be having trials of Yomiuri and Asahi Shinbun databases from January 14 to February 13 2008. You must be on a campus computer or be using your VPN from home in order to access the databases. I would very much appreciate your feedback on both databases to see whether or not it is worthwhile to subscribe to one or both of them.

See below for information on both trials (click on titles to link to databases):

Yomiuri Shibun’s Yomidasu Bunshokan (ヨミダス文書館)
Contains Yomiuri Shinbun articles since 1986 and a biographical database. Click here and go to 収録記事について for the full description (in Japanese).

Asahi Shinbun’s Kikuzo (聞蔵) II Visual for Libraries
Contains over 5 million Asahi Shinbun articles since 1984, plus an image library and articles from Asahi publications such as Aera. Check out the full description of the database here (in Japanese).

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