
Note to user… while engaging with this blog, please keep an open mind and be critical of what the government, and of what I, have to say. When trying to make sense of government-commissioned pamphlets such as the excerpt discussed here, one must consider the “cultural, historical, and political” context of the text itself (1). Keep in mind that it was sanctioned by the government for its own purposes and advantage, which invariably influences how it is perceived (1). So, be sceptical. Ask yourself “what is the author’s intention and how do you uncover this?” Consider that what you read is interpreted depending on your frame of mind and worldview. Thus, a text such as this is always “incomplete” and “unstable,” since its contents are constantly being re-negotiated depending on how one creates meaning out of what is written. An excerpt like this can have a “profound and widespread” impact on the public (2). It “shapes the response of readers…[and] casts them into a role which cannot be avoided” (3). There exists then “questions about who reads what, in what condition… and with what effect” (30). Such a document not only “recounts history… it makes it” (3). Everyone who reads this blog will read it differently depending on one’s “intellectual baggage” (4). In this respect, the form in which information reaches the reader is significant (4).