My Experiences Regarding Social Responsibility

My Experiences of Social Responsibility and Global Citizenship

During my experience at my practicum school, I have observed various methods where social responsibility is taught and implemented in the classroom.Within schools, I have observed that each elementary school has a Code of Conduct written as an acroymn. For example, there is an elementary school which uses the acroymn of R.O.A.R. which stands for Respectful, Open minded, Accountable for our actions, Responsible Citizen as their code of conduct. The code of conduct is reviewed by the teachers and staff of the school to the students.

One way that teachers demonstrate and teach the code of conduct to students is to roleplay scenarios demonstrating situations where the students are not performing social responsibility and to have the students roleplay what the proper code of conduct is for the scenario. In addition, by having students care about their community and feel that they are a part of it, students will take ownership and responsibility. I participated in a roleplay within the classroom to teach students what social responsibility looks like. I played the role of a student who did not practice social responsibility. The students were asked what was wrong with the situation and what I should have done instead of hitting a classmate when the classmate bumped into me.


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