Canada and South Africa

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South Africa


In South Africa, the health care conditions are poor. There are lots of diseases spreading a  lot of people in south africa. For example, HIV and AIDS in South Africa are major health concerns, and around 5.3million people are thought to be living with the virus over there. So that it has more people with HIV and ADIS than any other country. There are also other infections disease prevalent in South Africa include; Bacterial Diarhea, Typhoid Fever, and Hepatitis A. These infections diseases are generally caused when the food or water consumed by an individual has been exposed to fecal material. In order to solve these problems, the current government is working to establish national health insurance system out of concerns for discrepancies within the national health care system, such as unequal access to healthcare amongst different socio-economic groups.

All in all, compared to Canada, South Africa’s health conditions and equipments are so limited, they need lots of help from developed countries.

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1 Response to Canada and South Africa

  1. ranson says:

    Thank you for this enlightening blog. What could we (people in Canada) do to help the people in South Africa?

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