Health and wellbeing in Canada and Australia


Emma: # 41788134

Leo : #55875132

Johnny: #55617138

Health and wellbeing in Canada and Australia.

Emma found that: in Canada, there’s a policy called Health Canada, and it’s responsible for health care including setting and administering national principles for Health care system.

According to the table(Statistic Canada, 2012), The higher degree people get, the less loneliness they will feel. And lots of the disables also quite aware of their own healthiness.


Leo found that: fat and overweight caused unhealthy young Australians. Sun protection is a major concern in Australia when people are exposed to high UltraViolet rays environment outdoors (Australian Government, 2011). And there’s a program called Australian Institute of Criminology National Homicide Monitoring Program, and its purpose is to identify the characteristics of individuals that place them at risk of homicide victimization and offending.



Johnny found that: Health is Australia’s largest industry, more than five larger than defence. In 2002-2003, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare figures showed that, health consumes 9.5 per cent of GDP. And the Health financing became a major political major political issue in 1940s. (Australian Policy Online, 2013)





1. Statistic Canada, (2012), Table 1 Prevalence of positive self-perceived health, loneliness and life dissatisfaction, by selected characteristics, household population aged 65 or older, Canada excluding territories, 2008/2009, Retrieve from

2. Australian Government. (2011). Young Australians: their health and wellbeing in 2011, Australia, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

3. Australian Policy Online, (2013), Health policy in Australia, Retrieve from



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Scandinavian medcine (Norway, Denmark, Sweden)

Group member: Toby, Paul, Fred

The healthcare system in Sweden is often used as a model by other countries. Although the country does not spend as much as some others, it still manages to deliver excellent services for everyone. Every citizen in Sweden has equal access to health care services under a largely decentralized, taxpayer-funded system. Swedenish adult patients have to contribute a modest amount towards services such as a visit to doctor.

Furthermore, there are certain rulings that make Swedenish healthcare system one of the very best in the world. Waiting times for pre-planned care can not exceed 90 days. If they do, patients can go elsewhere for treatment and the council will pay the bill, including the cost of travel for surgery.

Although like many other countries, Sweden faces numerous challenges, such as funding, quality and efficiency of its health care services, improvements are continually being made.

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Health condition in Russia

Xiaoshuo Zhang(Tracy) #52663135

Caiyi Liang(Andrew)#51869139

Tingyi Yu(Rita)#45654134


Compared with Canada, Russia has shorter averaged life expectancy than Canada’s, which are 67.8 and 82 respectively.  Although Russia has an entrenched system of social medicine, the environment there still have negative affects of Russian health. Undeniably, the decline of health is attributable in part to the culture and even political environment such as air, contamination and all kinds of pollution. In Russia, government doesn’t make enough laws to prevent the toxic gases emissions; therefore the probability of getting cardiovascular disease is extremely high for citizens. According to the data illustrated in located newspaper, 57% of all death in Russia is caused by cardiovascular disease. The other factors shortening the lives in Russia is the poor medicinal technology, especially in rural areas. Lacking of the medicines leads to the reduce of infants’ survival chances. It is estimated 45% percent of infant deaths are caused by the respiratory failure. Overall, there are still many areas for health care in Russia should be improved. Only by joint efforts can Russia be built into an livable place.

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Canada and Contemporary Chinese culture

Alex Chu 56309131, Lily Rao 53536132, Dorothy Yang 40360133

  The cultural view of health and well being in Canada and China are very different. The location of the clinic, the ways that the society treats the special needs and the health insurance plan for the poor are different.

In Canada, they have clinic in everywhere. People can choose the doctor by going to different clinic. However, people will go to hospital when they are sick in China because the doctors in China are concentrated in the hospital. Most of the people in China do not have a personal doctor because of the large population.

Moreover, for the special needs, they can go to public school and they have motorized wheelchair in Canada. But we seldom saw the special needs go to public school and they only have the manual wheelchair in China because of the different perspective of the society and technology differences.

Furthermore, the health insurance in Canada is well- developed but there is no health insurance plan for the poor in China. It is because of the population difference and lack of the doctors in China so that health insurance is hard to cover all the people.

In conclusion, the health and well being is more important in the point of view of Canadian. Chinese pay less attention in the past so their system and insurance plan are not well-developed but they are improving now.

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Canada and South Africa

Helen 55987135  Kevin 57955130 Davis 40883134

South Africa


In South Africa, the health care conditions are poor. There are lots of diseases spreading a  lot of people in south africa. For example, HIV and AIDS in South Africa are major health concerns, and around 5.3million people are thought to be living with the virus over there. So that it has more people with HIV and ADIS than any other country. There are also other infections disease prevalent in South Africa include; Bacterial Diarhea, Typhoid Fever, and Hepatitis A. These infections diseases are generally caused when the food or water consumed by an individual has been exposed to fecal material. In order to solve these problems, the current government is working to establish national health insurance system out of concerns for discrepancies within the national health care system, such as unequal access to healthcare amongst different socio-economic groups.

All in all, compared to Canada, South Africa’s health conditions and equipments are so limited, they need lots of help from developed countries.

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Aboriginal Medicine Wheel

Written by Frank Fang #35236132, Christian Zheng #47259130 and Chester Zhao #45834132

Due to the difference in the culture backgrounds, Canadians and Aboriginal peoples share both similarities and differences in the philosophy of health. Canadians regard physical and mental health as their definition of health. They pursue a healthy lifestyle, such as the free of illness and the happiness of sprites. Meanwhile, the Aboriginals also value the concept that health belongs to human’s itself. In addition, the Aboriginals believe the harmony between human and animal, mineral, plant and human as part of health. Not only do they share the similarities, but their philosophies on health are also differing. Canadians have very concise attitudes towards health, which contain two elements, happiness and illness free. In contrast, the Aboriginal peoples use complicated measurement to explain their health. The aboriginal wheel is the best example for that. They use a wheel to divide all their health issues into four main sections, including white, yellow, black, and red. The four sections of the wheel represent the interconnection of life, the various cycles of nature, and how life represents a circular journey.

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Canada and Chinese traditional Medicne. (Cassie #51557130, Ashley #19049139, Aining, #58605130)

Canada and Chinese traditional medicine
Cassie Liu, Ashley Zhang and Aining Yu

In terms of the cause of sickness, in China, it usually refers to the flow of qi and blood are blocked, yin and yang lost balance. However, in Canada, the cause of the illness lies on the lifestyles, healthy food, and environmental protection. They have different perspectives in this aspect. Further, for the treatment in China and Canada, It is obvious that Chinese people usually use the acupuncture and control the dietary &medicinal nurturing for prolonging life and promoting health. On the contrary, in Canada, they often pay attention to the natural therapy, such as drinking hot water instead of taking various medicines. Thirdly,the competitive advantages of Chinese medicine, it is fantastic for restoring and adjusting the balance inside our body with a holistic way. Compared with the counterpart in Canada, when taking natural treatment, the number of unhealthy toxin would decrease in our body. Therefore, in this way, western treatment would be more healthy.

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How green is Canada? What does the country to be green?How could Canada improve?

Group member: Christian, Rita, Fred

Environment had already been a hot word since after the development of the industrious revolution. The concept of “green” is to live in harmony with our living milieu; environment-friendly development; and the conservation of energy.

Whereas, what does the country to be green? From our points of view, if one country wanted to be green, it should be sustainable development; highly concentrated on environmental protection; more important, is the awareness of the energy crisis. For examples, China focus more on sustainable development; Switzerland pays a lot attention on various ways to the environmental protection; UAE concentrated greatly on preserving water.

From the beginning of the late 20th century, Canada had been focused more on green development. They not only know the importance of educated the awareness of environmental protection, but also had a rational thinking about how to make the environmental law more integrated. In addition, they tried to rely on the renewable resource, such as hydrology, wind and geothermal.

To sum up, the world tended to be more and more environmental-friendly. In order to live a more suitable in future, we should improve our opinions more rational.



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How “green” is China?

Leo 55875132 davis Lee 40883134 Paul 55446132

In China,we have all different kinds of environmental issues, which leads china to become a not “green” country. First of all, we have lots of indutrial factories which usually don not deal with their pollutions well, so that our a rivers are being polluted. Also in Chinese familise, we use the Freon in friage which can do lots of demage to atomosphere. And since, Chinese don not have no awareness of protecting environment, and we always ignore problems like these, at same time, people litter a lot.

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What is the role of First Nations and Aboriginals with environmental issues?

Written by: Frank Fang #35236132 and Chester Zhao #45834132

In Canada, there are numerous minority groups. One of the most influential and widely spread groups is the First Nation peoples. Although they are the minority, they are still contributing to the environment protection in Canada. The idea of being “green” is highly connected with the First Nation’s traditions, lifestyles, and sprites.Despite the abundance of natural resources in Canada, the First Nations use these resources in the most efficient way. For example, if they hunt a moose, every part of the moose will be exploited. They tend to minimize the waste of all parts of animals or plants. The meat will be eaten and the fur will be used to make clothing. Their belief of never waste any parts of natural resources helps Canadian environment being “green”, and this idea is still advanced in the modern society, influencing our life. As we can see, the traditions and lifestyles of this minority, the First Nation, effectively protect our beautiful true-north-strong-and-free.

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