Grad Conferences

Our 2016 Graduate Student Conference is titled “Unsettling Knowledge: Pushing Boundaries in Social Research”

Full program and details coming soon!

GSCS Conference 2016 - Call for Abstracts-page-001


Check out the poster for our 2012 conference!


March 31, 2012
Anthropology & Sociology building

|Opening & introductions | 9:30-10:00 |

| Session 1 | 10:00-12:00 |

Panel A: Community and Health
•   Andrea Polonijo: Social Inequalities in Adolescent HPV Vaccination: A Test of Fundamental Cause Theory
•   Lindsey Aitcheson: Community Solidarity and Well-Being after the Virginia Tech Shootings
•    Heather Holroyd:  Michel Foucault’s Techniques of Discipline: Prisons and Gated Communities as Functional Sites of Social Stratification
•    Mo Ismailzail: Voodoo Capital
•    Alina Shepherd: Changing Health in an Unstable World: Exploring the Impact of Housing Stability on Health for Residents of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.

Panel B: Race and Ethnicity
•    Bard Suen:  Chinese Modernist Restaurants
•    Jakub Burkowicz: Whiteness Studies and the Reification of Race
•    Amanda Cheong: Civic versus Ethnic Nationalist Citizenship Models and Immigrants’ Political Participation: A Look at Brunei and Canada
•    Andrew Le: Creating the Ideal American?

| Lunch | 12:00-12:30 |

| Session 2 | 12:30-2:30 |

Panel A: Environment and Sustainability
•    Rich Hutchings: Maritime Heritage, Sea Level Rise and the Social Practice of Resource Management
Ana Elia Ramon Hidalgo: Examination of the relationships between social capital, gender issues, and the success of community-based ecotourism in Ghana, West Africa.
Georgia Piggot: Untangling climate change information and planning needs in the Skeena region of British Columbia
Kate Petrusa: New Middle Class Identities within the Local Food Movement:A Case Study of New Organic Farmers in BC

Panel B: Gender and Society  
•    Hélène Frohard-Dourlent:  The production of asexuality in the mainstream media
•    Sarah Diefendorf: After the Wedding Night: Abstinence Pledgers’ Post-Marital Views on Sex and Sexuality
•    Rayka Kumru: Adult Fantasies and Sexualized Babies: Contradicting Messages in the Media Regarding Children’s Presence in Adult Arenas
•    Larissa Slovin: Asking questions in Sexual Health Education Research with ‘Youth’

| Coffee Break | 2:30-2:45 |

|Session 3 | 2:45-4:15 |

Panel A: Social Change and Occupy
•    Ben Levy: Patterns of Discourse at Occupy Vancouver: A Study of Dialogue amongst the Occupation’s General Assembly
•    Anthony Meza-Wilson: Un-Occupy & Unsettle: Movement Education for Decolonization in the 99%
•    Lilach Marom: Occupy Tel-Aviv – On Social struggle and politics in Israel

Panel B: International Questions
•    Mali Bain: International Service Learning and Indigenous students
•    Sonia Medel: Afro-Peruvian Action towards a New Radical Democracy
•   Andrea Reisman: Refugee immigrants and shared intergenerational experiences
•   Michaela Montaner: A proposed model for the evaluation of dissemination and engagement in the case of the United Nations’ first digitally crowd-sourced youth engagement strategy for HIV/AIDS

| Closing remarks | 4:15-5 |

| Social gathering at Mahoney and Sons| 5-7 |

Asking questions in Sexual Health Education Research with ‘Youth’

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