Hi everyone,
The UBC Graduate Student Council of Sociology (GSCS) seeks paper proposals for its seventh annual interdisciplinary graduate conference, “Descending the Ivory Tower: Connecting Theory & Practice in a Changing Social World” taking place May 10, 2014 at the University of British Columbia. Please see the attached poster.
The conference is an avenue for graduate students from multiple departments and institutions to come together to share empirical research and theoretical insights on our changing social world. Papers, panels, posters or multi-media presentations are welcome. All topics and frameworks are encouraged, however we especially seek submissions that critically engage with the conference theme linking social theory to its practical applications. Please feel free to submit an individual abstract or propose a panel along with other students.
Please submit abstracts of up to 250 words to: UBC.GSCS@gmail.com with the subject heading “GSCS 2014 Conference Abstract.” The deadline for abstracts is: March 31st, 2014.
UBC 2014 -Descending the Ivory Tower, May 10
The GSCS Conference Committee