We are a student organization comprised of dedicated student leaders. Our goal is to enrich the experiences of students of Sociology and UBC students beyond our department by providing information, events, and opportunities for community engagement. Please note that we do not in any form represent the administration of the University of British Columbia or the Department of Sociology, although we do work with these divisions to achieve our goals.
The mission of the Sociology Student Association can be summed in the following three words: building, empowering, and connecting.

BUILDING: The SSA aims to provide students with opportunities to build a foundation upon which their academic career will grow. Information sessions on careers options, graduate schools and admissions, the honours program, and undergraduate and graduate research will be integral for creating a foundation for our students.
Example: offering opportunities for educational information and skill-development, including Big Talks and Information Sessions

CONNECTING: The SSA envisions an environment on campus where undergraduate, graduate students and faculty regularly participate in social and academic events and strengthening relationships within Sociology and with other departments.
Example: providing support and chances to connect for the Sociology/UBC community, including social BBQ events

EMPOWERING: The SSA values the importance of students being able to take the theories and lessons from classes and apply them to everyday aspects of life, both during and after university. We believe this happens when students have the ability to freely make their own choices, ask questions, and raise their own voices.
Example: lobbying for policy changes within the department or university