Events Events Get Involved!

Great success at our Sociologist’s Café!

We had a super engaging discussion about gender, sexualities, hetero- and homonormativity, love, families, capitalism and consumerism in the context of Valentine’s Day. Students and faculty from Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science and other departments shared their questions and perspectives.

Many thanks to Avi Ames, Silvia Bartolic, and Becki Ross for guiding our conversation.

Re-live the discussion through our first SSA Podcast here

We are all looking forward to more events like this one!

Events Events Get Involved!

Halloween: unpacked

What a great discussion! The history of Halloween; scary monsters and happy monsters; sexy costumes, insensitive costumes and witty costumes; home made treats vs. packaged candy; Halloween in movies and TV;  Halloween from inside and outside; fears and anxieties; vampires vs. zombies; cultural imperialism, consumer culture, diversity training. We discussed it all!

Events Events Get Involved!

Sociologist’s Café a total success!

Thank you all for coming to our first event of the series. At the SSA we are extremely happy with the level of  conversation, faculty participation and student attendance. We are touched that so many of our fellow students showed interest in connecting with the community. We ran out of food and chairs and we see that as a sign of success.

We hear you, we want more of these events too! We’re working hard to make it happen.

Already in the works: Unpacking Halloween! Who’s the monster behind the mask? 

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