THCO vs THCA: Effects, Benefits and More

Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) and Tetrahydrocannabinol acetate ester (THCO) are two cannabinoids found in cannabis plants that have gained interest for their therapeutic potential. But what exactly sets them apart? This guide breaks down everything you need to know about THCO vs THCA.

An Overview of THCO and THCA

THCO stands for tetrahydrocannabinol acetate ester. It is derived from THC, the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis, but features an additional acetate group. This modification makes THCO more potent and longer-lasting than regular THC.

THCA is short for tetrahydrocannabinolic acid. It is a precursor to THC found abundantly in raw, unheated cannabis plants. On its own, THCA does not induce psychoactive effects. But when heated, THCA loses a carboxyl group and converts into THC through a process called decarboxylation.

Also Known As Tetrahydrocannabinol Acetate Ester Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid
Psychoactive? Yes No
Source Synthesized from THC Naturally-occurring in raw cannabis
Potency vs. THC 3x more potent than THC Less potent than THC
Effects Euphoria, relaxation, pain relief Anti-inflammatory, antiemetic

Key Differences Between THCO and THCA

While THCO and THCA share a similar chemical makeup, there are some important ways in which they differ:

Psychoactive Effects

The key difference lies in their psychoactive properties. THCO produces strong euphoric and relaxing effects by stimulating CB1 receptors involved in regulating mood and perception. THCA does not directly activate these receptors and is therefore non-intoxicating.


THCA converts into THC when exposed to heat or UV light. This makes it chemically unstable. THCO, on the other hand, maintains its molecular structure more reliably during storage.


The legal status of THCO and THCA varies by state. THCA derived from hemp is federally legal thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill. However, some states restrict all forms of THC, including THCA. Meanwhile, the DEA recently classified THCO as a Schedule I illegal substance.


When consumed, THCO permeates the blood-brain barrier faster and more efficiently than THCA. This allows its effects to manifest quicker. THCA has poorer bioavailability overall.

Benefits and Effects of THCO vs THCA

THCO Benefits and Effects

As a psychoactive cannabinoid, THCO is prized for its intoxicating qualities. Users report euphoric, relaxing, and creativity-enhancing effects from THCO comparable to THC, but more intense and longer-lasting. Specific benefits may include:

  • Pain relief
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Anti-nausea
  • Increased appetite
  • Anxiety relief

However, adverse reactions can also occur in some users, especially when high doses are consumed. These may present as anxiety, confusion, dizziness or paranoia.

THCA Benefits and Effects

Although non-intoxicating on its own, early research indicates THCA may offer certain therapeutic effects, including:

  • Anti-inflammatory properties to help conditions like arthritis
  • Neuroprotective qualities to support brain health
  • Antiemetic effects to control nausea and vomiting
  • Analgesic properties to relieve pain

For these reasons, THCA shows promise for managing symptoms of conditions such as IBS, multiple sclerosis, PTSD and more.

Which is Better: THCO or THCA?

When it comes to THCO vs THCA, there is no definitive “better” option. The choice depends entirely on your health goals and cannabis experience.

For those seeking relief without mind-altering effects, non-psychoactive THCA products are the way to go. However, some users may benefit from – or prefer – the more potent high induced by THCO.

If opting for THCO, it is vital to start low and slow then gradually increase dosage as needed. THCO’s intense psychoactivity makes it easy to over-consume for first-time users. Exercising caution is key to a positive experience.

Additionally, owing to THCO’s recent classification as a federally illegal substance, purchasing or using it does carry legal risks to consider depending on your state’s local laws.

The Takeaway

Here is a 1 paragraph conclusion summarizing the key points of the article and reminding users they can ask questions:

When comparing THCO vs THCA, the main takeaway is that they are two distinct cannabinoids with very different effects and legal status. THCO is a potent, intoxicating compound synthesized from THC which produces a more intense high. THCA on the other hand is non-psychoactive but touted for potential therapeutic properties as an anti-inflammatory and neuroprotectant. Ultimately the choice comes down to your personal health goals and preference for psychoactivity.

Remember that while THCA is federally legal, THCO was recently classified as a controlled substance, so exercise caution. We covered a lot of ground detailing the attributes of both THCO and THCA, but if you still have any lingering questions, please feel free to leave a comment below and we’ll get back to you!


Does THCa produce a high?

No, THCa does not produce a high or intoxicating effects on its own. THCa is the acidic, non-psychoactive precursor to THC found abundantly in raw, unheated cannabis. It must first be decarboxylated through heating or aging to become psychoactive THC and induce a high. Simply ingesting or consuming THCa will not cause any intoxication.

Yes, THCa derived from legal hemp is federally legal to possess and sell in the United States thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill. However, some states have imposed further restrictions or bans on all forms of THC, including THCA. It is important to check your local laws before obtaining THCa products.

Which is stronger THCp or THCa?

THCp is significantly more potent and psychoactive than THCa. THCp is an analog of THC estimated to be 33 times more potent at activating CB1 receptors. THCa is non-psychoactive altogether and must be converted to THC through decarboxylation before inducing any effects comparable to THCp.

Which is stronger delta 8 or THCa?

Delta 8 THC is much more potent and intoxicating than THCa. While THCa is non-psychoactive, delta 8 THC produces a mild high around 50-75% as strong as delta 9 THC, the main psychoactive form of THC derived from cannabis. So delta 8 THC is the more potent compound compared to THCa.

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