Swedish Innovative Culture

Found these sites in my research for today’s class. Would welcome any other interesting links you guys might have..





Link to actual Swedish Innovation Strategy Doc —  http://www.government.se/content/1/c6/20/25/58/ace0cef0.pdf

Also interesting and on topic. It’s a bit older, but gives a sense of the landscape in 2008http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/innovation/files/countryreports/sweden_en.pdf

Guest Speaker for 23 January 2013: Ian Verchere

Hello Colleagues,

In preparation for our guest lecture on Wednesday, 23 January 2013, here is some information on our guest speaker:

Ian Verchere is the co-founder and Chief Creative of the Vancouver-based video game production and development company Roadhouse Interactive.  Founded in 2009, Roadhouse specializes in games developed for browsers, social media, and mobile platforms and is currently developing Family Guy Online and MechWarrior: Tactics.

Ian has an interesting and varied past.  He was a professional downhill ski racer and coach in the early days of Whistler, an experience which let him to author the book V0N 1B0: General Delivery Whistler, BC.   Following an injury that ended his skiing career, he graduated with honours from the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design in 1989.  He has founded video games companies, such as Radical Entertainment and Roundhouse Interactive, and worked on a wide variety of games, including SSX Tricky and NBA Street V.2 for Electronic Arts and the Sega Genesis title Beavis and Butt-head for MTV.  Ian has also co-authored a feature film screenplay with Douglas Coupland, which was sold to Disney.

The following GameZebo interview with Ian has a great overview of his history in game development and his involvement in the Family Guy project:

GameZebo: Ian Verchere talks Family Guy Online [interview]


Brendan & Geoff


1. Have updated the Syllabus.

2. News of the Week up.

3. Check out Michela’s “What Is Your Take” entry on violence research.

4. Added a few more links to “Aaron Swartz RIP”

5. Talk 2 is up (thanks to UBC CTLT). Trying (& failing so far) to get Roch’s slides up.

Thanks again to all who are contributing to the Blog.


News of the Week; Wednesday Jan. 16, 2013

1. Processing the loss of Aaron Swartz – Danah Boyd: http://www.zephoria.org/thoughts/archives/2013/01/13/aaron-swartz.html

2. Researchers Find that Web Site Blocking Has No Long-Term Affect in Combating Online Piracy: http://www.gamepolitics.com/2013/01/08/researchers-find-web-site-blocking-has-no-long-term-affect-combating-online-piracy#.UPpDV6XUQco

3. The Way Forward on Copyright Reform – Derek Khanna: http://www.cato-unbound.org/2013/01/07/derek-khanna/the-way-forward-on-copyright-reform/

4. What to Watch for in Canadian Intellectual Property Law in 2013: http://excesscopyright.blogspot.ca/2013/01/what-to-watch-for-in-canadian-ip-law-in.html

5. Copyright and Industrial Design Developments – 2012 (paper) – Glen Bloom, Barry Sookman: http://www.mccarthy.ca/pubs/canadian%20copyright.pdf

6. Rethinking Mass Murder: http://www.nohighscores.com/2013/01/09/rethinking-mass-murder/

7. How the Video-Game Industry Already Lost Out in the Gun-Control Debate: http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2013/01/how-the-video-game-industry-already-lost-out-in-the-gun-control-debate/267052/

8. The NRA’s new shooting app isn’t the hypocritical PR disaster it seems: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2013/01/the-nras-new-shooting-app-isnt-the-hypocritical-pr-disaster-it-seems/

9. Is Your Surgeon A Gamer?: http://www.drmwhitemcmahon.com/growing-up-in-the-cloud/is-your-surgeon-a-gamer/

And in the not really relevant category:

10. A Corporation Is Not a Person for Car Pool Lane Purposes, Calif. Judge Rules http://www.abajournal.com/news/article/a_corporation_is_not_a_person_for_car_pool_lane_purposes_calif._judge_rules



Asking the Wrong Questions and Looking in the Wrong Places – By Michela Fiorido

Obama calls for game violence research:


It is truly baffling to me that people immediately jump to blame violent video games when a shooting happens and that now $10 million dollars will be spent on game violence research. What ever happened to plain old criminology? There are a myriad of other ways to explain such tragedies but for political leaders to be so quick to point the finger at video games reeks of intolerance, stereotyping, sexism and ultimately disrespect. Violent video games are so pervasive now that, in my opinion, it is akin to saying that there is a connection between young men who wear shorts and violence. Virtually every young man wears shorts. Virtually every young man plays violent video games. There are no actual numbers that I could find regarding the percentage of men who play violent video games but we can assume from the fact that since over 85% of video games include violence (in whatever capacity) that the numbers are high.

But what’s with talking about men all the time anyways?

I take offence to the fact that violent video games are being blamed for shootings because, like a large portion of the gaming culture, it completely disregards the fact that women play violent video games too and make up nearly half of all gamers. 62 mass shootings — defined as a single spree that killed at least four people — have been carried out in the U.S. since 1982. Only one was perpetrated by a female. In 2006, Jennifer San Marco fatally shot her former neighbor, then drove to work and killed six colleagues before turning her gun on herself (http://theweek.com/article/index/237938/why-are-there-so-few-female-mass-murderers). If women play these games too, then why are there virtually no mass shootings committed by women? Probably because there are other criminological factors such as simply being male, having a mental illness (Adam Lanza, Dylan Kleebold anyone?), checking off the majority of boxes on Hare’s psychopathy checklist (Eric Harris anyone?). Or maybe because they interact with anti-social peers (differential association) or  for whatever reason feel they cannot achieve popularity, fame, wealth etc through legitimate means and therefore attempt to obtain these things through crime instead (theory of anomie, strain theory). Or perhaps they do not play sports or have pro-social relationships? (social control theory). These are much more plausible reasons for a mass shooting.

Ultimately, we are asking the wrong question.

The question should not be asking why people commit mass shootings. It should be asking why people don’t commit mass shootings. Since there are so many gamers, we must ask why young men who play violent video games do not commit violent acts if we really want to find out what actually causes these mass shooting tragedies. And I am willing to bet that video games are not the cause.


Moral rights and Harriette Potter

Interesting discussions today in class. Some thoughts and concerns:

I find it quite reasonable to recognize copyright protections for expressions and NOT ideas. If the goal of copyright is to promote and encourage new works and the dissemination of these works, what would affording “exclusivity for a period of time” on an idea even look like? I can imagine a 1984 scenario playing out whereby thought police are invoked to enforce some statutory damages on having contemplated on an idea that had previously been contemplated on .. by anyone…  It becomes absurd fast. Protections should only be granted to those individuals contributing to the commons/market place of ideas through expressions; if for no other reason than for lack of feasibility in copyright protecting “ideas”. Far be it from me to speak on the chaos of the modern patent system – perhaps in some other post since the “the tragedy of the commons” was raised and the bigger problem I see in the patent system is the tragedy of the ANTICOMMONS.

Ken raised some issues on the permissibility of mash-ups and extra contributions to the commons through such modification and additions.  I like the idea of the copyright modernization act allowing for such things under fair usage; but it doesn’t escape me that such things can easily be abused.

Imagine Joanne Rowling having just finished her final sentence on what could potentially be one of the world’s best selling novel’s “Harry Potter”. Now imagine Tyler-the-lazy-jerk doing little more than copying/mashing up/modifying every iteration of the name “Harry” and any other signals that the character is male. Imagine I modify it to be Harriette. The book may still be wonderfully written (as it’s substantially the work of a good writer), but now it’s in the genre of “homoerotic magical fantasy”. Worse, I may have greater resources through piracy/internet to propagate my version of the book. I may propagate the homoerotic version of the book so adequately that consumers are more likely to associate the story in that particular niche; and Joanne Rowling as a writer within that subculture. At the very least she’ll have lost control of her work and have gained the reputation (that she didn’t intend to have) of being a great homoerotic fantasy fiction writer. At the very worst, I’ll have destroyed any chance she had of being popular amongst her original target audience – young males not interested in reading about “witch…craft…”

I use this as the example because Joanne Rowling used JK Rowling as the author’s name (not having a middle initial) to simply make it ambiguous as to whether she was female; thereby not alienating herself from the overly sexist niche of young males who might have discriminated. The connotation is irrelevant, it could just have easily been modified to be white power literature (simply make Voldemort the only black character…); it’s that the original author loses control with anyone messing with the integrity of the work. Where’d late 90s music sensation “Creed” go? Did someone by chance mash up one of their songs with something a little too Christian Rock? Gain fans from a minority subculture at the cost of everyone else … ?

Imagine someone (or a corporation hired to do such things) doing malicious mash ups to out-compete and over propagate over an authors intent…  Imagine having no recourse because the legislator said it was “fair use”.

For Roch Ripley’s talk during Discussion Hour this coming Wednesday

Roch has asked that I post the following links which will tie into a discussion of the evolution of copyright. Have a look:

1) Michael Geist Blog Posting: Why Canada is Keeping the Flawed Digital Lock Rules (http://www.michaelgeist.ca/content/view/6033/125/)


3) Parliament’s Legislative Summary of Bill C-11: An Act to amend the Copyright Act: http://www.parl.gc.ca/About/Parliament/LegislativeSummaries/bills_ls.asp?ls=c11&Parl=41&Ses=1&Language=E



Has the Video-Game Industry Lost the Gun Debate: What is Your Take

First check out:  How the Video-Game Industry Already Lost Out in the Gun-Control Debate by Ian Bogost.


What do you think? How are real and virtual guns the same/different from the perspective of causality? Are they lines on a continuum or “apples and oranges”?

