Project Outline: Art Education Programming at BAF

This project will be art education programming at the Burrard Arts Foundation (BAF). The gallery is opening a show with Kelly Lycan on November 5th and they would like to program with youth in the community. My role will be researching, planning, and executing this programming. In a larger context this project will promote youth in the community to visit BAF, learn about, enjoy and participate in the arts. BAF believes that it will be beneficial to aim for one workshop/community-focused event at the mid-way mark of the internship and one at the end. The workshops are meant to be under two hours long each and there will be two workshops throughout the duration of the internship at BAF.

The skills I have necessary for this placement are related to planning and establishing programming. I have been involved in youth programming throughout my past, working in summer camps, classrooms, and youth organizations. These experiences have provided me with the skills to research workshops and programming as well as planning and execution. I am hoping to gain more knowledge about the art education part of my placement. I haven’t had much experience working in the arts however the team at BAF is knowledgeable about the exhibition that is happening, the space, and what programming has looked like in the past.

There is a set schedule for the duration of the internship and I will be working directly from BAF every Tuesday from 12-5. I will be working with Chantal Sullivan and she or someone else that works at the gallery will be there throughout my internship. We will communicate directly with one another throughout the internship and they will provide feedback along the way. After the first program occurs there will be more opportunity for feedback, seeing what worked, went well, or didn’t go so well. I can develop the next program based on the feedback I receive from the event itself and the team at BAF.

The internship will be broken down as follows:

Tuesday, Oct 4th: Research into workshop/community focused event concepts including target audience

Tuesday, Oct 11th: Completion of research and creation of 3 workshop/community-focused event concepts, choice of target audience and start of initial conversation to target audience for scheduling

Tuesday, Oct 18th: Finalization of concepts and outreach to selected target audience with event date/time/details

Tuesday, Oct 25th: Event logistics completed and coordinated for next week’s event, follow up with invited attendees if needed

Workshop during week of Oct 24th – 29th (date/time TBD)

Tuesday, Nov 1st: Choosing next workshop/community-focused event, including and working with feedback from workshop #1

Tuesday, Nov 8th: Finalization of concepts and completion of outreach to members

Tuesday, Nov 15th: Event logistics completed and coordinated for next week’s event, follow up with invited attendees if needed

Workshop during week of Nov 21st – Dec 3rd (date/time TBD)