Partnership Blog

Every partnership institution must have its own blog.  For those who are working alone with their partnership institution this will be a solo-blog that you will create and report on individually, but for those who are doing the same project together, you can work on your blog together.  There will also be those who are working with the same institution, but on different projects, you will have areas that you will do together and areas that you will do separately. Use the blog to display a comprehensive, active and reflective account of your project and partnership through various phases.

The required elements of the blog, (everyone) and a description below are:

  • project outline/organization or plan (details below)
  • summary of your poster presentation on the institution/artist you are working with and attached smaller pdf of poster for download

Note that your final project synopsis can also be illustrated through various blog posts throughout the term, so keeping up with the blog at different intervals can alleviate the stress of recording it all at the end, and usually ends up in a more attentive report instead of relying on memory.

Please categorize your posts by your partnership, therefore under the “category” selection of a post, label it by your partner so that it will automatically show up in the blog link.  Please ensure you are doing this correctly or I may not be able to see it!

Assignment prompts also located here:

Orientation Meeting

The project starts with you contacting your partner (mostly email) and arranging an orientation or meeting with your partner.  You should attend this meeting aware and knowledgeable about the institution, the mandate, exhibitions currently on view, have reviewed the posting.  Some things to consider:

  • Research the organization or artist, through the web, in person, the neighborhood, area of the city the gallery is located, people who may be associated to the space, etc.
  • While many questions will be answered after the first meeting, it is always good to bring a list of questions to the meeting to be sure all topics of inquiry have been covered.
  • If you are in a pair, before your official meeting, meet with your student partner that will also be working at the space with you, and discuss what you have learned in mutual research and share your list of questions.
  • Indicate your skills, knowledge, and experience you bring to the project/organization.
  • What areas do you hope to develop greater experience in or will need to learn?
  • It can be wise to have 3 goals set for what you wish to accomplish in the first meeting.

It would be best if you could attend this meeting as pairs if there are two of you assigned to the position.  At this meeting you will hopefully get a good idea of the expectations of your partner, arrangement of hours/schedule more details about the partnership, and a general sense of the person you will be working with.  Please take notes and bring in questions that you may have.  This meeting may also contain safety demonstrations or other administrative duties and procedures.

*This component of the partnership is required but not graded.  If you do not “pass” this component, you will not be able to pass the course.

Contact Due:  September 15th (latest) and orientation/first meetings should happen by September 22nd.

Grand Finale Showcase!

December 5th – Grand Finale Showcase!

In 3rd floor of Audain, 3:30-5pm (but please come in a bit earlier if you need to set up your piece)

Open house grand finale party to celebrate the end of your partnerships with the community partners. You will present your creative response work (maximum 3-minute presentation unless other arrangements) to the class and partners.

Final Reminders of Due Dates

Creative Response Presentations due today in class for presentation
CBEL Project Synopsis (Hardcopy) due today, or CBEL Project Synopsis blog due December 6th
Final Reflection and Peer Evaluation due December 8th

Week 7

October 30th – Art & Activism Part 2

Discussion on antagonism, ethics and activism’s role in contemporary artistic practice. Reading discussions will inform a reflective group activity in the second half.  We will finish this class with a small lecture on description of the Creative Response project due for the final class, and other due dates.

Required Reading/Discussion On
  • Claire Bishop Antagonism and Relational Aesthetics in October 110, Fall 2004. 51-79
    (Link available through Connect to UBC Library)
Further Resources
  • Marcus Steinweg Art between Affirmation and Critique in Scandalous: A Reader on Art and Ethics p.169-175
  • Boris Groys On Art Activism from e-flux (Available here)
  • Chantal Mouffe Artistic Activism and Agonistic Spaces Art&Research 2007
  • Mick Wilson Autonomy, Agonism, and Activist Art: An Interview with Grant Kester from Art Journal 2006
  • Nicolas Bourriaud Excerpt from Relational Aesthetics (Presses du Réel, 1998, trans. 2002)

  • Creative Response for CBEL project due December 4th
  • CBEL Project synopsis due December 6th on partnership blogs, or if you opt for the written synopsis, a hard copy is due December 4th
  • CBEL Final Reflection Journal (online in Connect Journal) by 11:59pm December 8th
  • Self and Peer Evaluations (if in a pair) due by 11:59pm, December 8th


Studio visits next week! (Meet in Audain please)

Week 6

October 23rd – Art & Activism Part 1

Video screening of Renzo Martens “Enjoy Poverty”


  • Readings for “Art and Activism” due for discussion next week, in relation to this week’s screening.
  • If you miss the screening on class, you are expected to watch the video on your own time before next class.

Week 8

November 6th – Peer Studio Visits

Today we will be conducting peer ‘visits’ or interviews.
Please prepare work or a portfolio for visitors to look at and for you to be able to look at your colleague’s work.


Studio Visits (will be assigned in class)

  • Reflection on studio visits and other art events analysis due November 27th.
  • Readings on “The Artist’s Labour” and ready for discussion next week.

Relevant Preparation

Must be ready to visit and be visited, can include an artist statement, should have work, etc…  Questions and preparation for being a studio visitor.  Please meet in Audain, 3rd floor, for the start of class.

Week 10

November 27th – Final Thoughts

Reminders on final expectations of the class, today we will reflect on our experiences an knowledge share insights. As well, we will conclude our envelope activity.

Final Due Dates
  • Creative Response for CBEL project due December 4th
  • CBEL Project synopsis or partnership (hardcopy) due December 4th  or partnership blog due December 6th
  • Self and Peer Evaluation (survey) due by midnight December 8th
  • CBEL Final Reflection (online in Connect Journal) by midnight December 8th

Week 9

November 20th – The Artist’s Labour

Today Steven Cottingham will be substituting for this specific class. Reading discussion on artist’s labour (and other cultural roles).

Discussion On

(To be confirmed with Steven)

  • Pascal Gielen The Art Scene. A Clever Working Model for Economic Exploitation? from Open 17:  A Precarious Existence, Vulnerability in the Public Domain
  • Claire Fontaine Human Strike has Already Begun in Human Strike Has Already Begun & Other Writings29-33 (Download available here )

Upcoming Deadlines

Studio & Events Analysis Due by 9am Monday November 27th in Connect

Week 5

October 16th – Poster Presentations

You will all be presenting on your partnership institution or partnered artist in class in a poster presentation format. Please give the class an understanding of the history, structure, mandate, exhibition models, artists associated, publications, events, etc… of the gallery or artist. The presentations will take place in two sets, and you will visit each other to communicate about your space and experiences. At the end of the class you will have time to discuss what each gallery’s role and what it means to the Vancouver Art community.


  • Reflection, what did you learn, what was revealed, what stood out, and a pop quiz!
  • The last half hour will be used to discuss the upcoming screening and next two classes.

Week 4

October 2nd – The Artist’s Studio

Discussion on the role and purpose of the artist’s studio and how it relates to your/a practice.

Required Reading/Discussion On:
  • Daniel Buren Function of the Studio in Museums by artists p.61-67
  • Rebecca Fortnum Creative Accounting: Not Knowing in Talking and Making from On Not Knowing: How Artists Think 70-87
Further Resources:
  • Glenn Adamson and Julia Bryan-Wilson Art in the Making Artists and their Materials: From Studio to Crowdsourcing 2016
  • Caitlin Jones The Function of the Studio (When the Studio is a Laptop) from STUDIO, p.116-121
  • Mary Jane Jacobs and Michelle Grabner The Studio Reader
  • Edited by Jens Hoffman STUDIO (From Whitechapel’s Documents of Contemporary Art series)
  • Twyla Tharp The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use it for Life

  • Prepare for being visited and conducting a studio visit for November 6th with peers in the class. Prepare and have work ready to show, can be in process/sketch and have language/writing or previous work for context.  Prepare to view colleague’s work in a critical and rigorous lens, have questions ready, etc.
  • By the end of this term you are to have attended 3 art events either at the University or in the city, one of those events must be with a partnership in this class.  An analysis on the studio visit experience and the events you attended is due November 27th.

Upcoming Due Dates

Poster Presentations for next class, including blog summary & poster upload.