Week 3

September 25th – Galleries and Institutions

In-class discussion on readings of ARC’s, commercial art galleries, biennale’s, fairs, and other international art events and how it affects the type of art produced and the role of artistic practice.

Required Reading/Discussion On
  • Gabriele Detterer The Spirit and Culture of Artist-Run Spaces in Artist Run Spaces:  Nonprofit Collective Organizations in the 1960s and 1970s p.10-49
  • Michael Turner Whose Business Is It? Vancouver’s Commercial Galleries and the Production of Art in Vancouver Art & Economies p.205-218
Extra Resources
  • A Bronson The Humiliation of the Bureaucrat:  Artist-Run Centres as Museums by Artists first from Museums by artists (Available here)
  • AA Bronson The Transfiguration of the Bureaucrat in Institutions by Artists (Available here)
  • Keith Wallace Artist-Run Centres in Vancouver:  A Reflection on Three Texts in Institutions by Artists
  • Sarah Thornton The Fair in Seven Days in the Art World  76-104 (this whole books is really fun!)
  • Jan Verwoert The Curious Case of Biennial Art in Filipovic, Van Hal, Ovstebo The Biennial Reader
  • Okwui Enwezor Mega-Exhibitions and the Antinomies of the Transnational Global Form in Filipovic, Van Hal, Ovstebo The Biennial Reader
  • Gerardo Mosquera Beyond Anthropophagy: Art, Internationaization, and Cultural Dynamics in The Global Contemporary and the Rise of New Art Worlds
  • Sara Giannini J’est un autre: Notes on Cannibalism and Contemporary Art from The Global Contemporary and the Rise of New Art Worlds


On art Events, Global and Local, including Fairs, Biennale’s, etc….

In-Class Reflection Activity
  • Intro to reflection & meeting with the partner – how did it go?
  • Personal and Group Shareback – Articulate Learning

  • For October 16th, please prepare and print a poster for display that describes your partner; include the mission, history, structure, programming, and other details for the purpose of knowledge sharing with your classmates. As well, a blog submission on your institution/artist with a summary, and include a smaller version of your poster (pdf or jpg) on your blog for classmates to download.
  • Readings on “The Artist’s Studio” due for next week’s reading discussion.

Upcoming Work

Please have a project outline posted on your blog by 9am October 2nd (let me know if you need an extension), and remember your readings for next week!

Week 2

September 18th, 2017 – Role of the Artist

Reading discussion on the assigned readings, and overall approach of the artist’s role in society. Final part of the class will be a lecture on the different types of gallery systems and events.

Required Reading/Discussion On
  • Ann Hamilton Making Not Knowing from Learning Mind: Experience Into Art p.66-73
  • Excerpts from AKADEMIE X: Lessons in Art + Life 2015
Further Resources
  • James Elkins (Ed) What do Artists Know? 2012
  • Michael Schwab (Ed) Experimental Systems: Future Knowledge in Artistic Research 2013
  • Estelle Barrett Experiential Learning in practice as research: context, method, knowledge from Journal of Visual Art Practice, Volume 6 Number 2, 2007 p.115-123
  • Janet Eyler Creating Your Reflection Map from New Directions for Higher Education114, Summer 2001 p.35-43

  • Personal Values Inventory
  • Reflection on Anticipation
  • Secret Envelope Exercise


Gallery systems and types, focusing on Vancouver’s art community, to aid in readings for next week discussions.

  • You are to come up with three goals for yourself in regards to the project to be posted in your Connect Journal due September 25th (before class, by 9am).
  • Create an outline/plan for your partnership. If you are working with another student on the same project, you will show how you will work on this together, and should be consulting on how the work will be divided as well as articulating how and why. Notify me if you need an extension as not all projects will be at this point just yet.  This is due October 2nd on UBC blogs.  In order for your posts to connect to your partnership, you must “categorize” your post in WordPress with the category of your partnership.
  • Readings on “Galleries” due next week for in class discussion.

Upcoming Due Dates

Please try to have your first meeting with your partner by September 22nd, notify me if you cannot.  Journal “Goals” due by September 25th, 9am.

Remember your readings for next week!

Week 1

September 11, 2017 – Introduction to the Course

Course overview, syllabus, explanation of community engaged learning (CBEL) project and introductory values assessment activity and role of reflection. You will receive your partnership placement assignments.  We will create a plan of the first steps in the process, and brainstorm materials to collect and present to the partners.

  • Introduction to Class – Artist Activity
  • Course Description, Expectations, Requirements, CBEL Component
  • Introduce Partnership Projects and Institution Descriptions

  • Group Work
  • Brainstorming:  Meeting your Partners
  • Expectations and What to Bring
  • Wrap Up

  • Research, preparation and planning to approach partner
  • Readings on “Role of Artist” due next week

Upcoming Due Dates

Make first contact with your institution or artist by September 15th and remember your readings for next week!  Please review Orientation Meeting Assignment Description.