Getting started and checking out the new exhibition!

As I mentioned in my previous post, our meeting lasted for a brief, but pleasant, 5 minutes so since I travelled all the way to North Van, I took the opportunity to check out the exhibition they had set up. It is a really simple and clean exhibition with a huge poster installation on the whole wall at the back of the gallery as well as photography work, a video and sculpture display, and a room with full-projections of the slaughtering and butchering of a grown sheep. (It was extremely graphic.)

They also had a exhibition brochure that I feel is a bit more personable since the descriptions were created from the collaboration of the artists and curator and included more in-depth comments:

For the brochure without the hand modelling click here:

Here are some images I took of a few of the works (I did not include the videos because I believe they are much more powerful and meaningful when seen in person – especially the sheep one since it was depicting a practice in such a raw, ruthless, and gory way):


The first official appointment was set for October 17th but Diane got really sick so it was cancelled but I didn’t find out in time so I still ended up going. Diane was not there and no one else really knew enough to teach me how to catalogue so I was left to my own devices. They did have the computer this time which was great and from then on I just figured things out as I went along scanning and organizing their books. I think this experience was good for training me to adapt to different situations and finding ways to work things out. I think this is an important skill to hone because dealing with unexpected situations happens often in the “real” art world as I imagine. I managed to finish cataloguing a section of the shelf of books they had (they have so many books and magazines). After that day, I think I might have gotten the sickness from the office and got really sick and couldn’t work on Thursday. (Thankfully, the partnership is forgiving as there are no deadlines or rush needed!) Looking forward to the coming week!