Thursday November 3rd

Today, I got to talk to Judy- the founder of Neartuit organization today. She walked me through the ways that iBeacons could be used and showed me some prototypes of the app at different galleries throughout Vancouver. Judy also helped me solving issues that the iBeacons had, which was important since the device plays a large role in the final presentation of my project.

I did further research on the project and used Adobe Premiere to put the videos online together in order to create one coherent video. Here are some screenshots and photos of the prototype that I have been working on:

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Sarah and I discussed the strengths and weaknesses of the interface designs as a starting point, as well as choosing the keywords to be used for each design. The take away key points for today is to always try to put myself in the gallery viewers’ shoes since they are the ones for whom I designed this app. Sympathy, is then, not just relevant to the design of an app’s layouts, but also to the curatorial process as a whole. I learned this from Sarah, as she was teaching me that Gordon and her always bear in mind that the intended audience of the New Media Gallery is the general public, and hence everything that is presented there has to be simple enough so that someone without any background in the arts understand what is said, while someone in the academics world do not find it too patronizing or over-simplified.