Public Lecture with Esther Shalev-Gerz (Tomorrow!)

Hello fellow classmates 🙂 There is a public lecture with Esther Shalev-Gerz this Tuesday (November 14th) at the Belkin Gallery, it seems like a great event to attend for our Studio and Events visits. Below are the details from the e-mail: 

Public lecture with Esther Shalev-Gerz
The Shadow

Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at 5:30 pm
At the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery,
1825 Main Mall, UBC

Please join artist Esther Shalev-Gerz who will present her proposal for The Shadow, a new public art project to be installed on the UBC campus as part of the Outdoor Art Collection in a lecture at the Belkin Art Gallery. A 100-metre long depiction of the shadow of an old-growth Douglas fir tree will be embedded within the paving pattern of the University Plaza. Shalev-Gerz will discuss this work in relation to the many other projects she has created in the public spaces of cities world-wide.

Esther Shalev-Gerz is an internationally renowned artist. Born in Vilnius, Lithuania, she was raised in Jerusalem, Israel and has been residing in Paris since 1984, spending her summers on Cortes Island, BC. Her work investigates the construction of knowledge, history and cultural identities. She has exhibited internationally, amongst other places, in San Francisco, Paris, Berlin, Vancouver, Finland, Detroit, Geneva, Guangzhou and New York and created permanent projects in public space in Hamburg, Israel, Stockholm, Wanas, Geneva and Glasgow. For more information about Shalev-Gerz, visit the artist’s website

For more information contact: Jana Tyner, tel: 604-822-1389,

Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery
1825 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC Canada  V6T 1Z2 |
t: (604) 822-2759 f: (604) 822-6689
Open 10-5 Tue-Fri, 12-5 Sat-Sun