Space chorus and spousal serendipity

by rebecca ~ July 6th, 2005. Filed under: Lovely Luv, New Media Musings, Ordinary Miracles, Space is the Place.


Chako Canyon sun dagger: from

I failed to mention that Monday in the throes of last minute research for my Media 2 Production, I was looking at the juxtaposition of the word “Om,” believed to be the divine humming sound of the universe that Hindu meditation practioners claim to hear and the recent science that the Earth does indeed hum at an inaudible pitch (some say due to storm turbulence).

I also crossed some research that said the note B-flat has been recorded as a dominant chord in deep outer space, and that the solar system has various ‘musics,’ which is something I never thought of before. I guess I assumed it was all silent, like a black and white film. These connections I searched for are (maybe) not ‘rational science’ by any means, but they are fascinating to me as a poet and a dreamer.

Imagine my surprise then, later, when talking with my husband, I discovered that he had been (at the same time I was exploring my esoteric voyage in the Internet at work) actually listening to the sounds of space recorded by physicists. We had never talked about this topic before either. A bit like a Twilight Zone episode, isn’t it? Dee-2, dee-2, dee-2, etc. Maybe this comet crashing by NASA inspired us to explore space in parallel universes….

If you wish to hear some beautiful music from space, check this link out for starters: here. I am listening to the Jovian chorus right now and it’s strangely familiar and comforting…

Like Sun Ra has said many times (and I’ve quoted before), but I’m just now coming to comprehend more fully: “The Space Is The Place”, Baby…

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