Archive for the 'New Media Musings' Category

Cyber p**n regulation

Wednesday, June 1st, 2005

I thought it might be beneficial to view the very different approaches toward Internet regulation between the US (although I am not sure how applicable to Canada, sorry, please help me out there) and Japan, where I live. Iastericked the word p*rn to avoid those devious spammers from plastering my blog with p*rn links…:-)! Here’s […]

‘The Way’ to go

Wednesday, May 25th, 2005

I definitely think both push and pull and blend of the old and new occurs in the world, including art movements. As mentioned elsewhere (God knows where) so far I like Jay Bolter’s idea of remediation (revolt and imitation as interactive forces in change) in his book, Writing Space (2001). Please check out this MUST-SEE […]

Who goes there? R. Mutt

Tuesday, May 24th, 2005

R. Mutt was the pseudonym Marcel Duchamp used when exhibiting a porcelain toilet in NY in 1917…unleashing an uproar in the art world with his later written protest to the Society that rejected “R.Mutt”‘s work. This link shows you a picture by Alfred Steiglitz of R. Mutt’s “Fountain.” I like the detail provided here that […]

Revolution will not be propagandized

Tuesday, May 24th, 2005

I agree that there are complex intricacies of power and how those who are oppressed become numb (or accepting) of what is happening to them, to see it as ‘normal’ and to even self-regulate and peer-regulate continued oppression. Too often, these days, I think I blame the ‘rich powerful white guys,’ but I think Foucault’s […]

Devil’s advocate: smart Apple?

Sunday, May 22nd, 2005

In response to the idea that Apple succeded due to great products: Like my classmate, Doug, who sees advertising directing consumers choices (and as perhaps somewhat of a techno-cynic, since I tend to question the success stories of most companies as a result of successful marketing more than anything else), I have to take a […]

Brain rain or theoretical trampoline

Wednesday, May 18th, 2005

In my current class, Cultural and New Media Studies, we have begun to explore the theoretical frameworks people tend to use when they discuss the relationships or the collision-intertwining of humans and technologies. It is all quite overwhelming and academic and so, from my class notes, and my own interpretations, I wanted to sound out […]

Watch Nike really fly

Tuesday, May 17th, 2005

From my classmate, Bonnie: “Brian Jungen’s Prototype for a New Understanding takes Air Jordans and turns them into masks and sculptures depicting North-West Coastal characters. View the collection here. My comments: Bonnie, Thanks so much for the link. I loved the way this artist turns a popular culture artifact on its head. He, like many […]

Crosby, Minnesota

Wednesday, December 1st, 2004

A small painting I did while in Crosby, Minnesota (my dad’s hometown) back in 2001, a few weeks before I met my lovely luv. I used this image as paradise for the last hyperlink in a poem I wrote in the voice of an old Ainu woman, but I am not content yet, suspect I […]

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