Archive for the 'Poems & art' Category


Thursday, December 16th, 2004

Snow is a letter sent by my father and in it he writes: Drop words And chase after snow monkeys, the ones whose tails are on fire, still their screams in thermal waters, and lull the broken animals to sleep inside your arms underneath the glass dome of light. Om. My own letters write the […]

Crosby, Minnesota

Wednesday, December 1st, 2004

A small painting I did while in Crosby, Minnesota (my dad’s hometown) back in 2001, a few weeks before I met my lovely luv. I used this image as paradise for the last hyperlink in a poem I wrote in the voice of an old Ainu woman, but I am not content yet, suspect I […]

Shoveling snow

Monday, November 29th, 2004

I love shoveling snow, especially fresh fallen powder, and after the weekend I am sure it will be my main source of exercise this winter. At least three feet of snow has fallen within two days, and every five hours yesterday I shoveled the car out and the building’s front walkway. I even crazily decided […]

Kyoto thrift shop

Friday, November 26th, 2004

I liked the juxtaposition here of emperor photos (or military leaders?) and the sixties nude. These thrift shops are just north of Kyoto city hall.

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