Cool Drupal Developments

Posted by: | March 21, 2012 | Leave a Comment

I am a devoted Drupal fan and I try to follow developments for Drupal as much as I can. There is actually too much development happening to try it all out and to stay on top of it all, but I still want to share a couple of items I think could be relevant for […]

Drupal and UBC Events

Posted by: | February 24, 2012 | Leave a Comment

UBC Events is a great tool which lets event providers (UBC units, student associations etc.) publish their events into a central events calendar. It comes with tagging and various feeds that allow you to aggregate the content or publish content automatically on your own blog or website. The simplest use case is that you would […]

Playing around with Yahoo Pipes

Posted by: | December 24, 2011 | Leave a Comment

For years I had planned to explore Yahoo Pipes. It looks incredibly promising, but as so often I have not come around to spend much time with the tool. Today I intend to change this. Let’s build our first few pipes for UBC. What are Pipes? Essentially, Yahoo Pipes allows you to build data mashups […]

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