My first few weeks: midterms


I know it’s been almost a month since I’ve blogged, and I’d like to blame it on midterms. They come out of nowhere, (even though I’ve known about them since September), and wreck havoc on your life. So far I’ve pulled one all-nighter, drank countless energy drinks and ate my years worth of junk food, all for a C and a C+.

I think it’s easy to see, even within that first paragraph, where exactly I’ve been going wrong.

First of all, do not ignore your midterms until they are upon you! Stay on top of your class work, because unfortunately, you can not learn a month and a half of calculus in half a week, no matter how hard you try. If you balance your schedule, instead of wasting away your life on tumblr and netflix, you will definitely fair better than I have! You DO NOT deserve a break if you’ve only covered the first chapter out of seven, no matter how much you think you do.

I learned a lot about my ability to procrastinate, I somehow managed to download every app and read every tip site on how to study, so instead of studying what I should have been, I’ve been studying studying! Not very helpful in the long run!

Also, get a handle on your sleep schedule! Nothing shuts you down faster than sleeping 4 hours a night with the stress of a midterm approaching. Instead, spend the time you usually waste on netflix, tumblr, etc. and do some studying, because in the long run, a good mark is a lot more rewarding than a bunch of funny shows, blogs, and GIFs.

I’m determined to get a handle on this now and hopefully my next set of midterms goes a bit better! I wish everyone else writing midterms the best of luck, and I imagine if you somehow wound up on my page looking for midterm advice instead of studying, you might just need the kick in the butt to get going! So keep studying! Don’t give up yet!


P.s. I’m going to blog weekly now! This is one thing I won’t let fall behind! 🙂

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