Elements of Dance ToolBox


Elements of Dance

A Dancer Moves Through Space and Time with Energy

Who?  A dancer

Body:                                                                                                                                              Parts of the body: head, eyes, torso, shoulders, fingers, legs, feet…                                           Initiation: core, distal, mid-limb, body parts                                                                    Patterns: upper/lower body, homologous, contra lateral, midline.                                              Body Shapes: symmetrical/asymmetrical, rounded, twisted, angular, arabesque                    Body Systems: muscles, bones, organs, breadth, balance, reflexes                                     Inner self: senses, perceptions, emotions, thoughts, intention, imagination

Does what? moves

Action:                                                                                                                           Non-locomotor (axial): stretch, bend, twist, turn, rise, fall, swing, rock, tip, shake, suspend  Locomotor (traveling): slide, walk, hop, somersault, run, skip, jump, do-si-do, leap, roll, crawl, gallop, chaine turns

Where? through space

Space:                                                                                                                                              Size: large, small, narrow, wide                                                                                               Level: high//medium//low                                                                                                       Place: on the spot (personal space) through the space (general space) upstage/downstage   Direction: forward/backward, sideways, diagonal, right/left                                    Orientation: facing                                                                                                               Pathway: curved/straight, zigzag, random                                                                           Relationships: in front, beside, behind, over/under, alone/connected, rear/far, individual & group proximity to object

When? and time

Time:                                                                                                                                      Metered: pulse, tempo, accent, rhythmic pattern                                                                   Free rhythm: breadth, open score, sensed time, improvisation, cued                                Clock Time: seconds, minutes, hours                                                                                     Timing relationships: before, after, unison, sooner than, faster than

How? with energy

Energy:                                                                                                                                       Attack: sharp/smooth, sudden/sustained                                                                           Weight: strength: push, horizontal, impacted; lightness: resist the down, initiate up, resiliency: rebound, even up and down                                                                                   Flow: free, bound, balanced, neutral                                                                                    Quality: flowing, tight, loose, sharp, swinging, swaying, suspended, collapsed, smooth

(adapted  from Perpich Center for Arts Education, 2009: http://www.mcae.k12.mn.us/

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