It Is Time for First Nations to Get Involved in Economy

“Economic certainty for everyone.”

— Jody Wilson-Raybould, a regional chief with the Assembly of First Nations

Canada owes First Nations a real chance in economy

It is time for First Nations B.C. and Canada to rebuild their relationships. The history is pretty tough. The federal government has been charged in First Nations’ life, including land, resources and education, but it has not given them the same rights in economy.

The importance of First Nations in economy

Labour Force

One of the biggest challenges of the country’s economy is the shortage of trained and skilled labour. First Nations are an important resource of labour supply.

Employment of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal populations aged 15 and over, 2007 to 2010

屏幕快照 2014-10-06 上午2.54.50

Employment rate of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal populations aged 15 and over, 2008 to 2010

屏幕快照 2014-10-06 上午2.55.42

How to get First Nations to be involved?

  • Respect the culture and tradition of First Nations
  • Support First Nations’ education needs
  • Provide opportunities of training, employment and business
  • Recognize that First Nations have the same right of territories, resources and education with others


Thorau, Perrin, and Associates Ltd. “First Nations and Economic Prosperity in the Coming Decade.” FIRST NATIONS AND ECONOMIC PROSPERITY IN THE COMING DECADE (n.d.): n. pag. Polygon., Sept. 2009. Web. 6 Oct. 2014.

Hak, Gordon. “British Columbia Loggers and the Lumber Workers Industrial Union, 1919-1922.” Labour / Le Travail 23 (1989): 67-90. Statcan. Authority of the Minister Responsible for Statistics Canada, Nov. 2011. Web. 6 Oct. 2014.

Pynn, Larry.  BC Premier urges cooperation.  Vancouver Sun.  September 12, 2014.  Newspaper Article.

Montpetit, Isabelle.  Background of the Indian Act.  CBC New Canada.  July 14, 2011.  Newspaper Article.

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