Apple Watch’s Focus Strategy


As a high-tech company, Apple’s marketing strategy is always focus strategy, targeting narrowly and differentiating on products. “Apple watch” will not be an exception.

The success of the iPod was, as the article “Success of Apple’s iWatch May Rely on Health Care Partnerships” mentioned, “took digital music into the mainstream”. Compared with iPod, most people think iwatch, which now we know is called “Apple watch”, does not match the market demand.

The smartwatch is obviously not a new technology, and it never becomes a hot commodity. The external Opportunities for profit  are big concerns for a company; the opportunity may be the arrival of new technologies or an unfilled customer need. Apple is not the first company that releases the smartwatch, so according to three editions of new Apple watches that Apple unveiled on September 9th, we know that Apple focus on the customer needs. The same like the iPod, the Apple watch has some significant breakthroughs. The Apple watch can track customers’ health progress. The Apple Pay functionality will be available on the Apple watch. Customers will even be allowed to use the Apple watch to open a hotel door. All these functions make the possibility of the new Apple watch being successful much higher.

The key point of Apple watch’s success will be differentiation, which is not making people to buy things but providing people what they need. It may not be a disruptive innovation, but its differentiation solves problems that customers are concerning about.


“Success of Apple’s iWatch May Rely on Health Care Partnerships”

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