Data and References

splatterZombies are most attracted to crowds of people. We have collected data based on our predictions of where humans would congregate in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse. This data was sorted into categories based on the perceived level of danger. Links to the sources of each dataset can be found by clicking on the dataset title. 

Most Dangerous

City Hall

This area would experience the highest levels of concentrated human activity, chaos, and zombie congregation. Crowds of frightened citizens would collect in these areas seeking help.

Police Stations

Crowds of frightened citizens would mass in these areas, to seek help and protection. These areas are prone to high levels of human and zombie congregation.


Hospitals would be overrun by infected patients. In the early stages of a zombie apocalypse, many infected patients would be taken to these buildings. Hospitals would be the source of the first wave of zombies, which would spread out from these locations.

High Profile Areas

These locations include the top 10 tourist locations in the city. In the initial stages of a zombie apocalypse, these locations would have been experiencing a high level of human traffic. 


These locations experience a high level of human congregation. In the initial stages of a zombie apocalypse, these locations would have been experiencing a high level of human traffic.


Area of congregation, would be locked down in the event of a zombie apocalypse, thus trapping humans inside.

Canada Line Stations

At the time of the apocalypse, this would be a high traffic area. Many people may be stuck underground with no escape route and become extremely vulnerable to zombies, as zombies have good night vision. 

Sky Train Stations

See Canada Line Stations.

Very Dangerous


Amidst the chaos, citizens would likely go to grocery stores for supplies. These areas have been deemed dangerous because citizens may become aggressive. 

Bus Stops

The top 10 bus stops with the most ridership has been included to high traffic areas. At the time of the apocalypse, humans would most likely be congregated in these areas. 

Community Centres

This is an area of congregation.

Homeless Shelters  

This is an area of congregation. 

Moderately Dangerous

Population Density

Defined by dissemination area, areas of high population density would attract zombies. Source: UBC Geography Department

Other Data Layers


Travelling by bike, so we wanted to travel by paved roads. 

Vancouver Mask

Source: UBC Geography Department

– References –

Brooks, Max. (2003) The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead. New York: Random House. Book.

“Kernel Density – Help | Arcgis For Desktop”. N.p., 2016. Web. 28 Nov. 2016

– Clip Art Sources –

Hand by Jake Sones from the Noun Project

Hand Print by Nick Novell from the Noun Project

Ink Blot by Tom Ingebretsen from the Noun Project

Paint Splodge by Richard Slade from the Noun Project

Splatter by Becca from the Noun Project

Zombie by Robert Salazar from the Noun Project

Zombie Hand by Artem  Kovyazin from the Noun Project



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