How the UN is Intrinsically Flawed

When I first saw the topic I had to ask myself: “what is the point of the UN?”.  I believe that what the UN stands for is very similar to the motives behind the ARC Initiative, to give people in need a chance at a better life.  Whether it’s through financial aid or the exchange of ideas and knowledge, the result is the same.  The reason I believe that programs like the ARC Initiative and social entrepreneurship would still be needed is because the UN is intrinsically flawed.  Not only does the United Nations not represent every country, but in this case I feel like the democratic process can get in the way with decision-making.  Since so many countries are included, it can be difficult at times to come to a decision in which every delegate is happy.  With small initiatives, they can focus on the problems of a single population immediately as opposed to having to go through a long process.  Also, in my opinion, grassroots initiatives are usually more invested in these types of social issues and as such will be more committed to achieving the goal of a better life for people.

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